An old idea from Tominator


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I did a search on threads by Chris and found the one about saying something positive about the ppl on the forums from July of '07. And go ahead feel free to use the same person as somebody else. If they're on your mind go for it! Seems like this could liven us up 'til we can do some more huntin.:D;):)

Shall we begin?

I'll start with Kyle aka The_Kat. He is a great guy who is very giving and always willing to give me advice. ;)

Edited by clrj3514
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I did a search on threads by Chris and found the one about saying something positive about the ppl on the forums from July of '07. And go ahead feel free to use the same person as somebody else. If they're on your mind go for it! Seems like this could liven us up 'til we can do some more huntin.:D;):)

Shall we begin?

I'll start with Kyle aka The_Kat. He is a great guy who is very giving and always willing to give me advice. ;)

Kyle is definitely an awesome guy! ;)

Steve (Buckee) is the forum "legend" and a friend to all and is just a great guy to get to know and have as part of the forum family! :) I love ya', you big buck knife wielding photoshopping lug! :D:D:D

Aw, heck...I need to include a few others here. ;)

Kyle (The_Kat) has swiftly become one of my best friends on and off the forums and I am excited and priviledged to be working with him on the HCO Pro Staff. Even though we may have our different tastes in bows (he's a frat boy :D) I can't wait to meet him out in Wyoming and have the chance to bag a couple of P&Y bucks together! :cool:

Steve (Beilgard) is one of the tallest people I have ever met! :D;) Though that may be true, he has a huge heart of gold to match. Steve will do anything for anybody and I really look up to him and have had the priviledge of sharing the experience (the highs and the lows) of my first elk hunt and first elk with him and his wonderful wife, Rilda. Man, I can't wait to see you two in just a week and a half! :cool:

Chris (Tominator), what can be said about Chris? :D He's always there to catch my spelling and gramar errors (I know, can you believe I was an nMajor at one point? :D) and is always there to answer a question or give advice. Thanks, bud! ;)

Bill (Billkay) is one heck of a guy and will do anything to see good people succeed. Thank you for paying for my POMA membership, Bill...and once again...sorry about the truck! :(:D:o

These are just a few of the many forum members that have been major influences in my life! ;):cool:

Dakota :cool:

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I guess I was outta the loop on the first round of this thread so I'll throw mine out no particular order.

Hutchies - If it wasn't for Bryan I wouldn't have any place to hunt down here at Texoma. He has helped me with my shooting, and is always there if I need him.

MCH - Easily one of my best friends, not just on the forums, but in the real world as well. Kevin and me usually talk on the phone once a week. He helps me alot with financial strategies, and hooks me up on golf lessons.

gator - also a great friend outside of the forums. We talk pretty often and do whatever it takes to get on each others nerves as much as possible....just ask him about the true talker.

dogdoc- funny guy, I know who to call if I'm ever in a fight with a kabota dealer.

okiedog-Trey is a great guy too. I wish we could hang out more!

Finn - doesn't come around as often anymore, but Craig is a great guy. We still talk pretty often....I hope to meet him some day.

mike- my safety bud, always got something smart to say. Keeps me smiling...especially when he's at work and I'm not!

Tominator - Chris cracks me up daily....he reminds me of my highschool english teacher. I have a lot of respect for him, and may get the chance to meet him in a week or two! 6/21 buddy!

ruttinbuc- Mike is a wonderful guy. I always enjoy looking at his pictures, and chatting with him on facebook. We have alot in common since we both work in the union.

Those are just a few, of course I can't forget my chat brothers and sisters.....sally, janice, hoytcorncasey, Ben,Kyle #2 ,SS, doog, snapper, TG....all whom I enjoy muting from time to time :D.

Thats it for now!

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Wtnhunt- William is a great guy. Willing to help whenever he can.

The_Kat- Kyle.....hmmm.....we'll come back to him in a minute.....

Buckee- Steve is another great guy, only guy I know that's killed a deer with just a knife!:D

Tominator and Ohiobucks- always get a chuckle out of these two when they go at each other! Two great guys as well.

KentuckyTurkey- Will or Janice as he is also known, is a guy that I am really glad that I have come to know over the forums.

Really can't think of anyone that is not a good person that's part of the forums.

Oh yea let me get back to Kyle...............naw still nothing!!!:D;)

Kyle you know I'm just ribbin ya, glad to know ya brotha.

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I really hate to single out just one or two individuals everyone here on the forums has their own special way about them that I like and admire ... ;):)

But if I had to really pick out a few that really mean alot to me, I'd have to start with ...

Steve B. ,,, he's made sure I got to hunt with some great people in some really beautiful states ,, he and Rilda have taken me under their wing so to speak and kept me on the straight and narrow ... :)

Steve Kane (buckee) ,,, What can I say ,,, he's saved my butt here on the forums more times than I could probably count ... He's been a true friend and it was my honor to share some hunting time with him .. :cool:;)

Gary Smith ,, Now here's a man that has NO limits with his friendship and found myself being lucky enough to be on the receiving end of it ... Thanks Buddy .. ;)

And not to forget Al ( Dartonman ) just another outstanding friend, and person .. :cool:

I can go on, and on, and on ,, with this list so if you don't see your name on my list ,,, no worries your in my heart .... ;)

Edited by VermontHunter
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This is a good one since I've been on here for so long.

The Kat-a new found friend and fun to pull pranks with.

Tominator-can't stand to be called chickenator (LOL), but a great addiition to the forums.

Dartonman and Spkiekiller- some of the old members and original Scrubmasters. Oh the early days in chat we had!

Casey-he can't make up his mind of who he is. LOL

Clrj-a great kid who enjoys being muted in chat.

All of the forums member regulars-Great family and friends!

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I think if anyone knows or has met Steve Beilgard...he'd be on the top of their list!

There are alot of good people of this forum and it would be hard to pick some to talk about...but I'd have to say if it weren't for these forums, I'd prob. would have never met Don (Strut10). We only live about 30 mins. apart and didn't know each other until here.

Don and his wife Jan are great people who I'm proud to call friends!

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I do not want to single out just a few people on this board.

Everyone has been incredible to say the least. These boards have taught me much, and the generosity that I have seen is immense, for so many who have never met each other.

I am looking forward to meet many more from this board and the 2 I have gotten to meet have been wonderful experiences.

Tink and Tim Andrus;).

OK, I'll throw some quick names out there for whom I hold the utmost respect for here.

Tink, Tim Andrus, Luke, William, Kyle, Ruttinbuc(Mike), Kathleen, Steve B and Steve K(Buckee),Joe(Ranger Clay), The Oitkers just to mention a few;).

This is a nice thread.:)

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One of the great times to be a mod, because I know I'll miss someone and have to come back and edit. :D

Just about everyone in here, and including some that got banned are special to me. :D I'll never forget what everyone did for me back in 2004. Alan, "Chuck", William and Catrina, my fellow survivor Sherm, Tony, Tony, Steve, Kyle, Travis-Todd, Ruth, Racksio, Don, Gregg, Gary S, Gary W, Arnie, Tim, Jeff and his boy Freeman, Mike M, Slaton, Lewis, Jim, John C (even though he has a man crush on the tahn of Pittspuke), Jeramie, Marky, Wade, Orlan, Matt and his surviving brother, AJ, Dave, Ol' Jerod (one I miss bad), Lisa (womanwhohunts, another that needs to come back), and Martin and Kim. You are all part of my surviving/fighting battle, I'll never be able to repay you guys.

I miss Nick.

I miss David.

My Ohio buddies, Fred and family, Aaron, Webby, my buddy Randy who doesn't post enough.

All the Texas and Oklahoma boys. Probably never get to mee y'all, but sure would like to someday.

Last, and certainly least, this forum provided one of the best friends I've ever had. We're at each other's throats all the time, (seemingly, but the only time he really got mad at me was when I told him he mounts small deer. :D), but a true friend I'll have for life in Tom. I'd do anything for him, and I know he'd do anything for me.

At first he agreed to chum around with me out of pity, but now he admires me and couldn't live without my savvy woodsmanship, sense of direction, ability to put him in the right tree, point him on his first 2 P & Y deer (that's right folks before me, zero Popes, since me, 2 Popes--you do the math), and day old donuts that have easily contributed to 2 or 3 inches around his waistline.

Proud to call you friend Tommy, can't thank you enough for what you've done for me over the years. :cool:

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A lot of good people here and I've never met any of you.

I've received help from many of the following as well as thoughful insight from:

Gary, Steve K., William, Kathleen, Orlan, Dale, Steve B., Luke, Chris, John, Kirk, Ken, Mark, and Eric just to name a few.

Tim (one of the best pro-staffer's around).

I also think a lot of our fairly new member Frank (Rookie). His dedication to his employees is inspiring.

Oh yea, and Tink for helping me out with my grammar.:D

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Everyone i've met on here has been helpful in lending some advice, or just plain fun to joke with and share experiences- just too many to name. It's been fun to chat with Alan (Rhino) and Rhine16 about hunting different parts of MS to see what was going on. Also lots of fun to pick at Dakota, and keep up the wisecracks with Dan, Potash, anthony, and troy (heavymetal) and a few others. It's been a lot of fun the short time i've been here. :D:D:D

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

Ok here goes mine.....

Dan (layinonthesmackdown)....This dude is one of the coolest and funniest guys I've never met before in my life :D

Corey (hogdawg)...I wish he'd make his mind up wether he lives in MS or TX :D:p

Chris (clrj3514) Pretty good guy ( I dont wanna call him kid cause he really dosent act like one..:D)

Chris (Tominator) My favorite resident of Ohio :D

Kyle (The_Kat) He's a really good guy who has the same views on stuff as I do...

Vicki (doog3....aka Mom) I love my momma :D

I know Ive missed a lot of people but I consider myself blessed to know all of you guys on this board!

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Been around here for a pretty good while and seen a lot of acts of kindness from forum members and also genuine concerns from members for other people. Would not be too tough to come up with a list. We have some great members here for sure and it is great to be a part of this family. Some very generous as well as some very thoughtful and also some very helpful people here. There are several here who would do whatever they can to try to help people out, easy to see with the people we have here why this is the best forum that there is.:cool:

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So many to list I dont even know where to start:o

What I do know is my life would be different without the forums...but not better.

We spend so much time together on here that it's hard not to become attached and good friends with so many great people.

One of the strangest things is how the start of this experience is so crystal clear in my mind. What I remember is my hesitancy in clicking on the "Forums" link from the main page of RealTree. I had never joined a forum before and did not know what to expect or have any inclination as to what I'd be in for.

I dont believe that anyone could have predicted what this place brings into someones's like being at a Family Reunion everyday:cool:

My close friends know who they are...and other than my Wife at home...thier all here;)

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So many to list I dont even know where to start:o

What I do know is my life would be different without the forums...but not better.

We spend so much time together on here that it's hard not to become attached and good friends with so many great people.

One of the strangest things is how the start of this experience is so crystal clear in my mind. What I remember is my hesitancy in clicking on the "Forums" link from the main page of RealTree. I had never joined a forum before and did not know what to expect or have any inclination as to what I'd be in for.

I dont believe that anyone could have predicted what this place brings into someones's like being at a Family Reunion everyday:cool:

My close friends know who they are...and other than my Wife at home...thier all here;)

That's my feelings exactly Gary. I've been chewin at the bit, wondering how I could comment on this thread. This place and the people have been a great strength to me over the years. You all have taught me something and I am stronger for it. When I was up, you laughed with me, and when I was down, you picked me up.

When I was down and out, you literally saved me. My friends know who they are as well, and there are too many to mention.

Thank you

In Jesus name

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That's my feelings exactly Gary. I've been chewin at the bit, wondering how I could comment on this thread. This place and the people have been a great strength to me over the years. You all have taught me something and I am stronger for it. When I was up, you laughed with me, and when I was down, you picked me up.

When I was down and out, you literally saved me. My friends know who they are as well, and there are too many to mention.

Thank you

In Jesus name

Guess I am with Gary and Steve....consider most all of you here my friends...

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I too consider everyone here my friends! I don't want to single anyone out or forget anyone but there's a few on here that really stand out to me or have had an impact on me.

Al (dartonman)- Al has been a great friend to me, from us goin huntin to try and get his boy his first deer, to just talking, Al is a great guy!

Randy- Randy has done many great things to help people in many ways. We don't talk all that much but when you get messages here and there that you know come from the heart it makes up for the downtime.

Chris (tominator)- Chris always seems to be able to relate to any situation I may have. He also gives great advice!

Dan (layin the smack down)- Dan is a great guy. Hilarious is an understatement. Always crack up when I read some of the things he posts.

Steve Beilgard- Steve is another one of those guys you can always count on when you need to talk to someone.

Gary- (need2hunt)- Gary has taken the time to call me back after just getting home from being on the road to answer questions I have had. He has been more then willing to share any info on any questions I have asked him.

Kyle- (the kat) I mean come on he founded the Hoyt frat on here :D:D if nothing else that makes him an awesome dude! :D

Everyone else I missed, cuz I know I missed some but, thank you for getting me addicted to this forum :D:D. The people here will bend over backwards, help out a fellow member in anyway they can, and it's amazing to see people pull together and make things happen!

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