A proposed Idea


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Maybe this wont be of much interest to everyone but its worth a shot. Whenever me and my buddies go out hunting during the turkey season or deer season we will always just send a group text message out on how the hunt went, even if nothing was killed. Its always easier than calling each other and can get kinda fun.

So what I was wondering is if there would be any interest in forming something like a "realtree text group" or something. Just a fun way to share how the morning or afternoon hunt went.

Im thinking that the way we should do this is that whoever wants in, PM me with your number by lets say Saturday March 21st. This way our phone numbers are a little more secure and not so public (seeing this is the internet). I will then make up a list with all the names and numbers and PM the list to all the participants.

What do you guys think? Something you all wanna try?


Edited by slughunter
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Im thinking that the way we should do this is that whoever wants in, PM me with your number by lets say Saturday March 21st. This way our phone numbers are a little more secure and not so public (seeing this is the internet). I will then make up a list with all the names and numbers and PM the list to all the participants.

Sound good?


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First of all, slughunter, i think it's a great idea. Me and my buddies had a ball texting as we hunted, calling for help tracking deer, seeing if anyone else was seeing anything, then the company slashed their text plan (company phones) so i was the lone ranger. However, i dont know how practical it would be with all of us scattered about. I mean you'd have to send a msg just to see who was hunting etc.

Dont know, maybe a good idea.

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Im thinking that we will do it more of a way to just summerize what happened on the hunt on the days we get out. As you said it would be too difficult to see whos hunting and if they are seeing anything because we are so scattered in different areas of the country.

So as of now pretty much the way im thinking it will work is if you go hunting and you wanna share how it went, even if you didnt kill anything. Just create a summery text on what happened and send it to everyone in the group.

lets see how this works out. signup is open still.


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My 13 year old step-daughter has turned me into an anti-texting person. I hate the dern things with a passion. I'll be trying to talk to her and I can never get eye contact because she's always looking into that dern phone and moving her fingers like a fly moves its leggs on garbage.

Sounds like a good idea, just not for me.

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