Tim Andrus is the Man!!!


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LOL...so tired I've mistakenly deleted this new thread twice after typing it all out:rolleyes::o

I'll keep it short and post up some great pics tommorrow.

Great wild game dinner and of all the people there...my Wife Linda won the drawing for the Rossi Muzzleloader/Shotgun Matched Pair Combo:eek::cool::cool::cool:http://www.rossiusa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=66

Oh yeah...go figure...LOL...I got yet another Turkey Call:)

Enjoyed a great event where our own Tim Andrus was the Main Speaker:


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I cant say much other than...You Should Have Been There!

Tim's seminar was Excellent!

There were over 100 that just attended the seminar:eek:

He went through the process he uses from start to finish and some of the things to look out for along the way. Some of the things that happened to Tim while on hunts or even setting them up were unexpected to hear. We all know about the "FencePost" story(which he recanted in detail). There was also a few things I would have never thought of to look out for that he shared. He eliminated the misunderstandings about "Out of State" hunts to the point where I know I'll be doing more of them to different places in the future.:cool:

The event had 200+ people there and it had some interesting and unique differences from any other I had been to before.

Both my Wife and I attended different workshops. She sat through 2 fly tying and casting seminars then attended one put on by the DEC-department of enviromental conservation(our states game wardens). She said she enjoyed both of them very much and warns everyone about the "Robotic Deer"...she said they really enjoy operating that and there are quite a few in our state.

I attended the first fly tying and casting seminar...at which I scored some valuable information and a phone number of a future fishing partner:cool: The second seminar was on Making Turkey Calls...I think I now have yet another hobby:D The third seminar I attended was on Hunting Turkeys in Western NY. Most of the information could have been used anywhere and I found that one to be very informative. It was done by an associate of Hunters Specialties.

Meanwhile at any time from the start you could wander into the auditorium where there was a local Mathews dealer and others who had tables setup. It was only the right thing to do by helping that young man out who made those Turkey Calls. I kept him, in a small way, from having to haul some that custom handmade gear back home and picked up a nice "Sratch Box" made from Bubinga, African Padauk, with a Purpleheart strikerboard:cool:

Then there was the awesome wild game dinner...you name it they probably had it there all served buffet style.

I had a First....I tried an Antelope and Cabbage soup they had prepared....Way Too Good:cool: The 3 tables of different types and mixes of Venison sausages was tempting!

The Live Turkey up on the stage with the huge "Paintbrush Beard" was a nice touch to have dinner with...he looked a little scared though:D

My Wife took the picture...She dont take pictures...LOL


Everyone that attended the event left with a nice coffee mug! One of the many suprises of the evening was as the Wife and I were leaving...in the parking lot a gentleman that I had been talking to came up to me and handed me the vest he had been wearing that night!:cool:

Oh Yeah...I got a couple pic's to sell on Ebay :D and Tim signed my hat:cool:


Every table had a centerpiece that was triangular in shape with pictures of Tim and some of his trophies. LOL...Sometimes there were a few that had different pictures on them and here is "Tim's Favorite":D

He said: "You got to post a pic of this on the Forum"..OK Here it is...


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