Making my eyes water...


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Oh boy, my mom has this stuff she got from the Amish, some like ointment thing for colds and what not. So I put it on the one side of my face where a sinus is because I must have a sinus thing from this hurt the one side of my nose to blow:eek: Anyway I put some of this stuff on and I think it helped but for a few minutes my tear ducts were open and draining,lol.

This has been the roughest cold ever, but today is the first day my nose isn't totally stuffed up and I can officially taste food again!:D It's horrible when you can't taste...:rolleyes:

I will admit I've been feeling better ever since I went to the show and met Randy O.,lol;)

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Hey, Ruth, can colds be passed over the internet? :D Because I think I have your cold now. :eek::(:D My throat is swollen and sore and my nose can't decide if it's runny or stuffed up. :(:rolleyes: I couldn't even sing the hymns in church this morning and to make matters worse, I have a 9 day 6 state choir tour over Spring Break and we're leaving Friday! :eek: I hope I get over this soon. Say, Ruth, can I borrow some of that "Amish Magic"? :D

Dakota :)

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