Another Not The Way...


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Not the way you want to find them, but cool find nonetheless.

Went to Coshocton county with Ohiobucks and his son and after about an hour of wandering around, I was coming down a little slope and noticed some really thick brush off to my right, so I headed off that way. After about 10 yards I noticed some gleaming white of what appeared to be antler, but wasn't sure. Another 10 yards and I could see it indeed was a deer, and as I got closer it was clear that this was an exceptional deer.


Upon further investigation you could see that his right antler was trapped under a fence. I guess you could speculate forever and not know what truly happened, but Tom and I figured this brute maybe got injured, layed down and eventually got his antler stuck and ended up dying.


Tom and I did a rough score. Inside spread is about 19 1/2", brows are in the 6" range, G2's are in the 11 3/4" range, G3's 8" and the main beams are around 23". The right main beam had a rare G5 making this deer a main frame 11 pt. It did have one little sticker coming off the right G3 that might be 1". The mass wasn't all that great, probably 4" circumferences and as you can see the squirrels have been dining on this thing for over a year. In his prime I think this deer probably would have grossed near 160. I don't know how to age by teeth, but based on the antlers, I'd say this deer was at least 4 years old.

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I hate it when I find any buck who won't see next season, unless it is one I just arrowed. Too bad for that big boy. Would have been a nice trophy. I wonder how it met it's demise?

Really hard to say Mike. 99% sure it was not because of the fence. The fence was flush to the ground so I think it would have been really difficult for him to accidentally get tangled up in it. I think he probably got shot during the hunting season, and he went to the thick area to hunker down only later getting stuck under the fence.

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Really hard to say Mike. 99% sure it was not because of the fence. The fence was flush to the ground so I think it would have been really difficult for him to accidentally get tangled up in it. I think he probably got shot during the hunting season, and he went to the thick area to hunker down only later getting stuck under the fence.

I found a few over time that seemed like they were wanting to bury themselves in the ground. Bucks and doe. Must be that prey animal fear that they possess. I'd hate to be the guy who lost the buck if it was in fact hit with an arrow or slug. :(

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I found a few over time that seemed like they were wanting to bury themselves in the ground. Bucks and doe. Must be that prey animal fear that they possess. I'd hate to be the guy who lost the buck if it was in fact hit with an arrow or slug. :(

The landowner said he'd contact the neighbors to see if they lost this deer, if so, I'll gladly give the rack up. This land does border public land, so any number of people could have shot this deer, if in fact that's what happened.

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The landowner said he'd contact the neighbors to see if they lost this deer, if so, I'll gladly give the rack up. This land does border public land, so any number of people could have shot this deer, if in fact that's what happened.

I guess it would be some sort of closure for the shooter if he is found. I remember the first buck I ever shot with my stickbow. First day of the season. Just the way it is supposed to happen. I know I put a good shot on it, but when looking for the deer my inexperience had me exasperated. I could not find any blood on the ground. I should have been looking in the high leaves of the thick patch I was hunting. I didn't have a clue on tracking mud let alone a deer.

A week or so later another fellow that hunted the property asked me if I shot a buck. I told him I did and he took me to where the deer lay. It was underneath a tangle of honeysuckle weaved around a big deadfall. He told me he smelled the rotting carcass and his nose led him to it. The antlers were missing and I asked him where they were. He told me they were at his place drying in the garage. I asked him if I could have them and he told me,

"No, you didn't find the deer."

I never did see that rack. I learned a lesson that day and think of it often. He did tell me it was a nice 7 point. Gee, thanks!

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That's too bad.

I gut shot a nice deer in 2000. My buddy found it 2 weeks later and gave it to me. I burned my buck tag that year. Just couldn't see shooting 2 bucks even though I could have legally. It's probably my 3rd biggest deer I ever shot, and was really disappointed I didn't put my tag on it. :(

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