Full Rack, Still!?!


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Was out walking the woods today checking on my deer stands since the major ice storm that hit a month ago and jumped several deer. One stayed for a couple of seconds to check me out and it was a buck with a fully intact rack! Not a major size buck, but would score around 80, an 8pt. Is it common for deer to still have antlers this late? I'm in Western KY. Oh, it's funny to watch deer now. With all the trees and tree limbs in the woods they can't run away, they have to jump the whole time to get away. It is almost impossible for me to walk through the woods, I'm constantly climbing over, under, and through trees.:(

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at the gun club i work at theres a little eight pointer that just dropped his right side a couple days ago. other than that ive never seen a deer carrying antlers this late in the year! it was funny to watch him walking around tho and always shakin his head and scratchin at it. easy to see somethin was bugging him up there and was about to fall off

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