Snakes are out


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Been seeing lots of snakes last week. My girls found this little one in the back yard. First green snake i've seen in a few years. This is the lab i had to rush out to buy on Christmas eve when my choc got ran over. Seems to be a good pup, but the kids are spoiling her of course, so i'm sure she'll be just a pet. Maybe i can work her into a tracker. Been trying to shoot a bit around her.





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It's the only one they know that's safe to pick up, cant mistake a green snake around here. The "Snake Man" as he's known goes all over the state here to educate kids at schools about snakes. He tells them to "Take two steps back and walk away", and i got to say, it really stuck in their heads. Several times they've come running into the house to inform me of a snake in the yard (usually a chicken/rat snake) and they always tell me they followed that advice.

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