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Recently Obama AKA Zero announced the US military would crush & mutilate all used brass shells so it could not be reloaded.

2 Democratic Congressman one from Montana pressured Dod in reversing the action

Also Obama has cut funding to enable Airlines Pilots to remain armed.

Zero cut budget for inspectors so it will cause 12,000 armed pilots to not be certified when renewal come as there will be no one to certify them

sick huh?


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The US AMMO industry reload most brass they can get from the military

The US Military sell brass and make $$

There is a serious shortage of material for making brass as the Chinese are hoarding it and making ammo

this was a fool hardy effort by the Govt to atop the making of Ammo in the USA

As hunters you will notice ammo is sky high and going higher

shotgun Shell will be $40.00 a box of 25.

Govt hopes to tax Ammo anywhere from 100% high

They thing its quick way to pay for the Stimulus bill etc & bailing out AIG

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this is just there way of getting the too the guns. They figure they cant put an HUGE tax on ammo and that way we just cant afford it. All that will do is up the reloading supply industry. Then we will reload every thing we shoot. Thats right guy another 3 and half more years of this stuff! Then maybe everyone will vote :(

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