What I've been holding out for!


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The good Lord blessed me with another great gobbler late this afternoon at ten minutes to six. My #1 ace turkey scout Annabelle (86 years young) clued me into this one.

"They are using the front field late in the afternoon before they roost. Four of them are tripping on their beards.", she told me.

That's all I need to hear to stay put and gut it out. If Annabelle says that's what they are doing, you can take it to the BANK!

It was a marathon sit. I settled in at 1:30pm. This guy didn't show until after 5:30pm. He was the first and only turkey I saw. This is a different farm than what I hunted opening day. We don't shoot jakes here either. And it pays off. When I first spotted him, I saw right away he wasn't a jake. The game was on.

I used my new Perfection Screaming Demon II and sent him a couple clucks. He really liked it! This is an awesome friction call, I'm seriously impressed with it! He came in on a string from behind my position. This is perfect I thought. He closed the distance to 35 yards but was still behind me. Well within range but rats! No way I can film him. Nor can I get turned around to shoot him unseen. He starts to move off. I send some more encouraging clucks. He jumps in the ditch I'm on! I can't see him! Either he's going away or is gonna be in my lap! The next five minutes are extremely tense. Then he pops out on my side of the ditch and starts working towards me. Awesome! I turn the camera on. If he maintains his heading he'll walk right into video focus. Then he stops. He does what turkeys do. Stands up as high as he can and starts eyeballing the situation with extreme criticism. Uh Oh! He doesn't like something. He doesn't putt but simply does an about face and starts walking away. I barely get my gun on him before he crosses the 50 yard mark. I know my gun will make that shot. I very thankful for getting it patterned and sighted in. He makes a fatal mistake and stops and looks one last time just before he crosses the line. I pull the trigger with confidence and down he goes.

21 pounds (one of only two I've killed in this state that heavy), 10" beard and 1" spurs. I'm very happy with this bird.


Squinting into the sun and mustering as much of a smile as I am capable of with both sides of my face partially paralyzed from permanent nerve damage. This is as happy as I can look. Trust me, I'm elated!

Edited by Leo
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Congrats Leo!!!!!!!!!!! Very nice bird & that is quite the awesome looking gun. What type of weapon is that thing.

Good luck to all

tghe dog

It's a Browning Gold I've made some modifications to. I've added a scope and a magazine extension. The magazine extension brings the balance back to a scoped gun. The other bonus is extra shells reduce the recoil significantly. This really helps at the bench. I can add or remove the extra weight whenever I want. No need to have the magazine stuffed full hunting but when your at the bench it sure makes patterning 3 1/2"s easier.

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