new hunter

colorado bob

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We've got a single mom at work, she has a 14 year old who wants to go hunting. His Dad is a dead beat, so took him to the local NWTF banquet. He won the jakes's hunt for a guided weekend turkey hunt.

Tonite I took him to the gun range so he could pattern his grandfather's Model 12. It's a full choke & shoots 2 3/4" shells. It patterns #6's at 40 yards pretty well-----as good as my 870----which kills them dead @40 yards. Going to use some old Activ 1 3/4 oz nickel plated turkey loads.

Gave him my Lynch 1-sider "fool proof" box call to practice with. Showed him how to 'yelp'. I'm taking him out opening day-----told him to practice because he was going to call some. Big thrill to have a gobbling going off on the roost & then do some "soft yelps" & have him hammer back. I'll have him put it down & I'll take on the calling when the time comes.

Gave him some camo gloves, head net, cap.

Can't wait till 4/11------I'm having lots of fun with this. :):) CB

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I have helped my girlfriends son get into hunting.Watched him shoot his 1st squirel and his 1st deer. He won't forget those memories but his dad gets made at me.Says that is what him and is son should experiance.Well he never bought him a gun,cloths,boots,hunting license and would promise to take him but would just sit on the couch and watch t.v. This year at Christmas I got him a 7mm mag and we are going to go to Arkansas to hunt at my moms place at Thanksgiving. So if you can take a kid hunting that otherwise couldn't go sept up and do it.It makes my day to see a kid smile when they get outdoors:D

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