any Minnesota coyote hunters out there?

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ya ill have to try the nighttime hunting i guess. well last night i had a big male just over the hill from me, howling, and another set of em howling right after that. i am getting really sick of this. i need to get them out somehow

are you trying new sets and new calls? If not switch it up. Also if nothing else during the mid days try a spot and stalk if you have the land to move around on. They typically sleep or bed down during the day. If its a cold day they will lay in the sun if hot they will seek shade. Cold days, i have seen them laying on top of hay bales and small hills in fields. When its warm, walk the fields looking down in the bottoms, laying under rocks, logs, or moist creek areas. Also see if you can find a den, pups should be coming along now and venturing out into the open, and if you can find them you will for sure find grown yotes. Just keep trying new and different things. You will find something that works and start killing them.

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ya i have tried different calls, different sets, different howls and sounds. i was thinking about maybe getting a coyote decoy. is it too late in the mating season now to set up a decoy and hope i can get a male in with some female howls?

Yeah I would say its a little late to use a decoy for a Mating set-up, but using a decoy for a challenge set up could work very well. I feel like I am doing this hunting with you, haha. I wish I was there to experience in the fun you are having. I know it sucks not getting anything but half of the fun is figuring them out. I look on here everyday for a "I finally got one" thread. It will come eventually, as long as you stick to it. Do you have an arieal pic of the place you are hunting? Or a couplf of pics from an overlook area showing what the layout is?

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no i dont have an ariel pic but maybe i could dig one up. ya maybe i will go with the challenge howl route. that just might work because i know for a fact that the one i heard last night that was close to me was a male. he had a really deep howl. im gonna see if i can find an ariel pic, the thing is that i suck at computer so even if i found one i dont know if i would know how to put it up

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went out again tonight in the rain. didnt see or hear anything this time

at least you got out. Rain keeps them down a little, just like deer because it kills their sense of smell and hearing. They will still move in it like deer, but not as much at all.

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nope, nothin new. i work seasonally so i started work a couple weeks ago and havent had much time to go out. i was gonna go tonight but its super windy and the wind is blowing in the exact wrong direction for where i hunt. if i went out tonight they'd smell me before i even got set up. frusrating to me. i finally get off at a descent time and the stinkin wind is wrong. seems to me like its been windy here for about the last 3 weeks straight. either wind or rain. suck

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