buckshot? 30-30?

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how far would be considered effective for #4 buckshot for coyotes? i've heard different things from everyone i've asked. is 70 yards too much to hope for? also does anyone know what kind of range a 30-30 has for coyotes? i realize that's probably not the best gun for the job, but my resources along with my money are quite limited. thanks

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#4 buck out of my Patternmaster Long Range tube gives me what I believe a lethal pattern to 50 yds max. Similar pattern out of T shot from Dead Coyote(Hevi-Shot). If I need to shoot further than that I use a rifle. Your 30-30 should be just fine, however, the same limitations for deer would be there for coyote, perhaps even more due to the smaller kill zone. They do make accelerator loads (smaller bullet w/ sabot), but those are a pretty penny. I'd stick to what my gun likes for deer loads (for my Marlin 336 its 150gr Winchester SP's). Good luck in your hunts!

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  • 8 months later...
hey thanks a lot blue! if you were to go out with unlimited funds, what do you think would be the absolute ideal coyote gun?

Excuse my butting in, but i think without considering the price, a Remington Model 700 VS SF II would do nicely.

Others may argue, but in my opinion, the Remington 700 is the best hunting rifle out there. Period.

Hornady makes some good factory ammunition if you dont reload.

Hope that helps. Keep us updated on your coyote kills.

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