20ga questions

84 z28

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Should do the trick. You'll want to get out and pattern it and see how effective it is to what distance. With my 20 ga, I've shot Federal, Winchester, and Remington turkey loads, usually #5 or #6 shot. Federal seemed to shoot the best out of mine, but I'm trying a different Remington load this year. I read an article that the Federal Magshok Heavyweights performed really well, but I myself have not shot them. You'll have to get a few different loads, shoot them, and see which is better.

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I used to shoot a .20 guage fixed modified and killed birds with it. The modified barrel will definitely limit your distance so I would go with a #6 shot to increase the number of pellets. Like turkeygirl said, patterning the gun is a must when a modified barrel/choke is used.

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Would he have to limit him self to lead or can he use steel shot also ?

Steel shot might pattern well but you loose a lot of range. I wouldn't recommend it for turkeys.

For a fixed modified Federals Mag-Shok Heavyweight Turkey loads will probably work better than most shells. They have the Flight Control Wad that really helps with more open chokes. #6s are your safest bet because the #7s aren't legal in every state even though the heavy #7s are quite lethal. Some state regs haven't changed to allow heavy 7s. So unless you know for sure go no smaller than #6s.

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As a general rule, a fixed modified 20 ga. will be a 30 yard and under deal............no matter what load you use. If you can find any of the long discontinued Remington #6 Hevi-Shot shells, scoop them up. I don't think you'll have much luck, though.

My kids' guns all came factory fixed modified. They've been sent out and came back threaded for interchangeable tubes. It's worth the money. ;)

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