Trespassers Ughh!


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I changed the card out on my camera today, and halfway through checking the pics up pops a guy from down the road and one of his hunting dogs. The camera is in plain view but it is infared and does'nt have a flash so I'm not sure if he thought it wasn't working or he just did'nt care. I'm not sure what I should do because I have deer stands and cameras out, but they are all locked but if they want them bad enough they will find a way or they will just demolish them. What would you do? I have the pic of him plain as day and my property is posted no trespassing.

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Well first and foremost atleast you still have your camera, or secondly atleast you still have your camera thats not busted into a bunch of pieces. And what to do with the pic you have of him? Well if you have a good facial shot of him and want to make a big stink about it take it to the dnr or police. Or confront him about it, tell him if you see him on your property again you will let the proper authoritys aware of the situation and let them take over so they can do what they do. I wouldn't go all postal on him or anything, be the bigger guy. If your property is marked then he is in the wrong. I know some people make honest mistakes. Even tho we all have prolly complained about trespassers in the past myself included, some people do make honest mistakes. On the other hand if you have had problems in the past with this guy maybe it's time to turn it over to the badge. Let us know what you decide.

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...What would you do?

I have the pic of him plain as day and my property is posted no trespassing.

Print it out and take it over to his house when he's home.

Ask him if he can help you out....

"Hey Neighbor...I've got a problem that maybe you can help me with..."

Then tell him you've got a phone call to make and ask his opinion on what you should you hand him the photo of him on your land.

When you leave there...go move your cameras;)

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Maybe he's out shed hunting, like most of us, and thought he could just kinda sneak in/sneak out.

If you are going to confront him, I would simply ask him for an explanation, why he is walking his dog on Posted property.

I'd hold off on showing him the picture. The less he knows about your cameras, the better. ;)

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well how long has this been going on i would just take it slow see what happens if you see him again go 2 the dnr or police. give em the pic. of him see what they say like buckee said he may have been shed hunting they do that all the time and you really cant do nutten about it but like i said take it slow if you see him again go 2 the dnr or police see what they say, but that just what i say lol let me know how it gos man

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I would not do a thing right now. You have his picture. See if he shows up again. Then nail him with it. Might have been just passing through. Taking a short cut home. If something goes missing there is evidence in the picture that he is a possible suspect.

Even better idea. :)

Try to keep the peace with your neighbor. There's nothing worse, than not getting along with neighbors. It can make life miserable.

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i'm still with g.w. i don't care why he was on your land, it's wrong and he knows it. sure, he may have been shed hunting (picking up your sheds) or he may have been looking for a place to put his stand. i'd let him know that your game camera got a photo of him, and to please call before he goes back on so as not to disturb your hunting. i'd also be very nice, at least this time. good neighbor relations are important, but if my neighbors don't care about good relations and trespassed, i'd respond accordingly.

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i'm still with g.w. i don't care why he was on your land, it's wrong and he knows it. sure, he may have been shed hunting (picking up your sheds) or he may have been looking for a place to put his stand. i'd let him know that your game camera got a photo of him, and to please call before he goes back on so as not to disturb your hunting. i'd also be very nice, at least this time. good neighbor relations are important, but if my neighbors don't care about good relations and trespassed, i'd respond accordingly.

I'm with GW, and Steve....

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Maybe start the conversation with him as; Are you having any problems with folks trespassing on your land? Seeing is actions and facial expressions will say a lot! Then I would bring him aware of what you have and ask what reasons he had that brought him out there on your land? Was he looking for a pet, etc? Then I would adamantly express that you will not tolerate trespassers in general and ask him his opinion of how he would handle this situation if it were him. If he becomes belligerent than I would go to the proper authorities.

If he is a smart man he will heed the hint and warning, since you have evidence of him on your land.

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....i'd also be very nice, at least this time. good neighbor relations are important, but if my neighbors don't care about good relations and trespassed, i'd respond accordingly.

That's the point I geuss I did not express correctly...

Let him know that you made the decision not to just "Turn Him Into the Police" and that you would rather work it out between the two of you so to speak. By doing that you put the ball into his court and you'll see what kind of person he is right then and there.

You've done him a favor this time.

If he gets all fired up about you bringing it to his attention(because you caught him)...he lacks the common courtesy of being a good neighbor and at that point he gets a visit from the authorities.!

The longer you wait to get it straightened out between the two of his mind your probably giving him authority to continue.

It's like saying "Go Ahead...Trespass Whenever You Want To".

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That's the point I geuss I did not express correctly...

Let him know that you made the decision not to just "Turn Him Into the Police" and that you would rather work it out between the two of you so to speak. By doing that you put the ball into his court and you'll see what kind of person he is right then and there.

You've done him a favor this time.

If he gets all fired up about you bringing it to his attention(because you caught him)...he lacks the common courtesy of being a good neighbor and at that point he gets a visit from the authorities.!

The longer you wait to get it straightened out between the two of his mind your probably giving him authority to continue.

It's like saying "Go Ahead...Trespass Whenever You Want To".

and yes, be nice..... but very firm....

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Have you ever had any issues with this person before, or ever even spoken to him? He may be a great person out for a walk or chasing his dogs down after they got on your property. On the flip side, he could be a total jerk. It's every landowners right to post their property and give permission to whomever they choose or desire to be on said property. Where and when I grew up, nobody posted their property, but those were different times when people were neighborly and treated each others land with respect like their own property.

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Well I have never had this neighbor trespass before or had any problems with him. So at this point and time I am going to let it go, But if it happens again I will confront him about it.

If he doesn't realize you are on to him.... it will happen again. How many times does he go over there that he is not caught on a trail camera?

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If he doesn't realize you are on to him.... it will happen again. How many times does he go over there that he is not caught on a trail camera?

Yep, good point Ken has. You should at least ask him what he and his dog was doing on your posted land, just to let hum know, you know he was there.

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