Am I am Idiot...Be Honest


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Sending a buck to the taxidermist is a personal thing. Sometimes it's size that matters, sometimes it's the hunting effort that went into killing him no matter what the size. That's your decision.

That's a nice buck and there's no reason you can't put bigger ones on the wall to join him in years to come.

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As already mentioned, it is a personal thing, but nobody wants to be that guy we all know whose buddies talk about his mounts behind his back, lol.....

Seriously, i got a buddy with three on the wall, and if you could combine all three i still wouldnt mount it. :p

But, that being said, you have a really nice deer, that about any member here would be proud to have on their wall. Take good care of the antlers, and this fall/winter when you take a good sized deer that you dont want to mount, just look at the cape in your hands and see what comes to your mind then after months of thinking about it.

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:DJust checking back in and seeing if your getting hammered by your peers:D

You've held up well;)

Looks like my fellow hunters have an equal sense of "What's right for You" type of attitude that I'm proud to share thier views of:cool:

If it gives you any idea of my sincerity my next "Trophy Mount" will be an old matriarch Doe with a beautiful cape.

I've always wanted a mount of one of those old ultra-smart girls that have busted me more times than I care to admit:o

I think she'd go nicely on the wall with that look we all know too well..."HIGH ALERT...LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU".

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can still get him mounted, go to your local taxi guy and they can sometimes find you a cape, my guy has a few deer that no one has come to pick up and he puts other racks on them for practice,....but ya WHAT THE **** WERE YOU THINKING....LOL, I was 20 and I shot a buck thats about the same size and my next night was spent going threw deer mount books with my taxi-guy. But REALLY check into to it, i'll send you a pm with the idea to.

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  Tominator said:
Hard to say. Mounting a deer is a hard decision. I like JimT's comment.

Personally--If it's a bow kill over 140, it's up on the wall, otherwise it's a euro.

But what would you have done if your first buck kill with a bow was a 131in 10 pt....thats what mine was and he's hanging on the wall right next to his 138in 8pt

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  • 4 weeks later...

this is an old post but ill give some insight... it all depends on what he means to you. If that was your first big bow kill then yes. A 130 buck is no slacker. I mounted one that looks alot like like him from this past season that scored only 132. But he was tall and tight like yours(only a 15inch inside spread). You may kill bigger, but Ive gotten so if I shoot it its getting mounted or atleast going on a board. My issue is, I have 7 wall mounts now LOL. But if you even think about mounting him, get it done. You can always do it later, but I want the cape on that buck that was on him when he was walking around. I have quite a few on boards I wish I had mounted. Some are bigger than the head mounts I have now:(

im just strange, but to me its almost showing respect for a mature buck so he lives forever.

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