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I got up this morning and headed to the archery shop here in Anderson, IN to check it out and get a little practice in for Paris. Well when I arrived the place was packed and they were having an indoor spots and a indoor 3D tournament. I thought sure why not give it a whack, I'd never shot 3d indoors before. Well I got drawed to shoot my spots first. I was so nervous shooting with these folks it was crazy. Well at round 10 I realized I was still perfect on my score, and I had some close calls in the 11th because of it. My first shot in the 12th was a near miss too....I took my breath, said a few choice words to myself and center punched the last 4X rings for my very first 300 round! I was so freakin excited, everyone was looking at me funny lol. I think they think I was a jerk cause the closest score next to me was a 288. I finished at 300-41X and won my division in the spots tourney. I actually shot the highest score out of all classes. The shop owner signed my target for me as proof to send back to oklahoma. I know it's wrong to brag but I've been shooting so much and trying so hard that I want to share with you folks who've been reading up on my scores and struggle in this thing called archery.

Now on to the indoor 3D.....I started off with three X's. After that it went downhill in a hurry. Ended up shooting 273 9X outta a possible 300 30X. I dunno why, but I just shot the animals horrible.

Thanks for reading! :D:D:D:D

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Way to go bud............that's something to be proud of. I don't care if your practicing all the time or not...............I'd be shooting my heart out if I had the time. Wait til that Kiddo gets here and you will see your shooting time cut in half.............BTW Get a job you lazy shooting your bow all day bummmmmmmmmm.........Hahahhaha

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