Caught a poacher the other morning


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Went to my place that used to be a honey hole until a lot of other folks started helping me hunt it without permission. Saw some fresh people tracks along with a lot of turkey sign. So I figured I would give it a try if nothing else I may catch the people who are helping me hunt it.

I went Sunday morning and sure enough I could hear someone hooting, then a jake gobbled, next thing I hear is a crow call coming closer and closer. I’m up on a ridge overlooking a bottom and he sets up in that bottom about 300yds from the fence on my side. Soon a couple of long beards start gobbling and hit the ground and they are coming right to me. All of a sudden they tuck tail and run, there are birds flying over me and birds running away, it was my soon to be new acquaintance "slipping" through the woods. I let him top the ridge I was on then go off the other side, not wanting to get shot. I made a loop around him and he never new I was there. We talked for a little while then he left going back to his side of the fence. Funny part of the whole thing was he ratted out 2 other guys that poach the place also, one of which I already new about.Needless to say the GW's are patrolling it now and the next time he or anyone is caught on the place, it will cost them a little. Oh and as far as his calling Not to good to say it nicely, but it does have them all messed up and scared of a call.

I know that when you hear a bird that is just over the fence most everyone is guilty of crossing a property line or two in the past. It is a hard thing not to do, but over the past few years with me loosing land to hunt on ($$$$$) and having to deal with deliberate poaching it will give you a whole new outlook on things. I don’t cross fences or lines any more, I will set up close and call a bird across the line that’s fair, but it takes some gumption to cross over onto a place that is known to be hunted.

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He's more than a trespasser, he's also endangering himself and anybody else who has permission to hunt there. If you or somebody else who has permission is hunting, and do not think anybody else is on the land, it could be easier for you to accidentally shoot somebody, or for somebody to accidentally shoot you, if you are sneaking through the woods.

After a couple close calls of running into people I didn't expect in the past, I try to always live by the theory that I'm not the only one in the woods, even if I'm the only one who has permission.

Good luck, and hope you can keep these guys off your spot.

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My Poacher Story

This is what happned to me a few years back:


1. He parks his truck about a half mile from where he sneaks onto to my land at oh-dark-early on land that he does not own nor has permission

2. He finds my tree climber hangs a note on it: "Remove Stand - Private Property"

3. He hangs his stand by putting spikes in a tree on my land.

4. He comes back the next day and he finds a sign on a his spiked tree stand "Damage to Trees & Private Property- Please Remove"

5. I come back the next day and he had stapled along my woodline about 20 "Private Property - No Deer Hunting" signs every 25 feet and have them face outward to my house and not inward to the property.

6. I get to near his spiked tree stand real early on Saturday. The darker; the better.

7. About 7 AM I see him in the spiked tree stand.

8. He sits and thinks a bit then maybe around 7:05 AM he gets out of the stand and starts to boogie to the road.

9. He meets a nice NJ Game Enforcement Officer on the road along my property. The nice DRN man with a nice Glock 9mm and a little book asked to see his NJ hunting license about 7:20 AM

10. He tries to tell the nice office he knows plenty of people in the NJ Game Enforcement and he's been hunting this spot for a long, long time; only to find out the officer does not care.

11. He gets two documents from the nice officer: Property Trespass (not bad; only a $100 Fine) but then get the Hunting within 450 feet of occupied dwellings document; a $200 fine but if you ever do that again in NJ, you loose you license to hunt & Fish in NJ for life.

12. He gets told by the nice officer with the Glock 9mm to go back and remove the stands and spikes out of the tree.

13. He walks back through my land and his former secret hunting spot and removed all the spikes and stand.

14. He goes home without a deer; looses his secret hunting spot; and has to explain to his wife why he needs $300 and why he has to tell his employer about his nice new police record.

This nice event happened at my place behind my house on my land. All the neighbors got a kick out of all the 'action" in our little village. I was amazed how this trespasser somehow thought my property was his personal hunting spot. He never introduced himself to the property owners; never asked for permission to hunt; and arrogantly worked to keep the property owners off the land he trespassed! Now, with my written permissions slips to bow hunt from all the neighbors around my property; and getting to make friends with a very efficient and personable NJ Game Enforcement officer with a Glock 9mm, I can now hunt my land in peace.


I slept late today in so I did not hunt this morning.

I went out at 3 PM onto my land and jumped a doe and thought my hunt was over. It went up the other hill and turned left and walked into the power line thicket.

I went up my climber but after a little bit I came down as I felt it was not a good spot after all.

Up to the next tree about 20 yards left of the original spot. I was about 10 yards off the bottom right in the valley of the two hills. One hill in front, one hill in back.

This time I brought my E-Z-Hanger and rattling antlers.

About 4:45 PM and then about 5 PM I gave an extended rattle but nothing happened.

At 5:45 I heard some soft noise behind me. I thought it was the squirrel I had seen before. The noise continued so I peeked over and there was a deer! The same one I had jumped at 3PM! It must have made a big circle around me and was slowly coming down the hill behind me.

Well, I have gotten many deer with my rifle but never one with my bow. I've had this bow for almost 15 years, a heck of a deer drought!

The deer was behind me but coming down the hill.

I raised my bow. I hit the E-Z Hanger the wrong way and it gave out a little noise. The deer looked up. I just stood there and did not move. It went back to browsing after looking at my tree a few more times. I was about to draw my bow and I said to my self to wait. Good thing. It went to nibble on something on its back, so had I been drawing the bow, it would have seen me as it's left eye would have picked up the movement.

Meanwhile my blood was pulsing so hard, I was shaking. I told myself, WAIT, TAKE YOUR TIME. TRY AND CALM DOWN! The deer went back to browsing around that other tree. Its butt was now facing me. I waited & shook. It kept browsing in a tight circle. I waited, I thought CALM DOWN, WAIT. If moved a bit then gave me a broadside with its head behind a tree. I drew.

I waited a bit. I held my draw. I did not line up the peep sight. I adjusted and got a bead through the peep. Perfect broadside with the deer facing slightly tapered up the hill, head behind the tree.

I let the arrow fly at 10 yards. WACK! I heard the arrow hit the dirt and saw the deer bolt and run up and to the right of my stand behind me, I could not see it run but for a second.

Down the climber. Did I get the deer? I thought it was a good shot but doubt crept in.

I found the arrow and as I approached it looked clean. RATS! I must have missed. I bent over to pick it up but there is was!

Blood on the entire arrow! Deep, red blood. No bubbles. Man, I hope this was not a glancing hit!

I walked slowly looking for more sign. Nothing!

Then, there, a little drop! Slow down! Take your time!! I wanted to run! Slow down! Head down, walked a little bit further. Another bit of red blood on a leaf. OK, mark that spot in your mind I told myself. I hope it did not run into the thick tangle by the power line! Walk forward. What? What is that? It was only 6 feet away and just at the end of the thicket. A bit of white & brown!

There it was my first deer with a bow!

It could not have run more than 15-20 yards from where I hit it.

Wow, my first NJ Deer, my first deer with a bow! Today at 6PM 9/24/05.

I got my John Deer Tractor with my trailer; loaded the deer up; took it to the processor.

I gave them $25 and they will process it for "Hunters Feeding The Hungry".

I am still shaking a bit from the excitement of my first bow deer!! Now that I have a doe, I can now hunt for a Buck and I have seen a few back there too! Plus, there were no more trespassers on the property anymore!

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