Benelli Nova vs 870 supermag

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I have an 870 wingmaster 20 gauge, and a Benelli Nova 3 1/2" 12 gauge. My favorite shotgun that I own is the wingmaster, however, if I was just buying a new gun for turkey hunting I'd get the Nova. I've heard too much bad about the 870 supermags, especially the express models. 870 wingmasters are great, but they have a pretty shiny finish. I don't know, but some say that shine can flare birds. Get a nova in camo, put a nice choke on it and go kill some birds!

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I have an 870 wingmaster 20 gauge, and a Benelli Nova 3 1/2" 12 gauge. My favorite shotgun that I own is the wingmaster, however, if I was just buying a new gun for turkey hunting I'd get the Nova. I've heard too much bad about the 870 supermags, especially the express models. 870 wingmasters are great, but they have a pretty shiny finish. I don't know, but some say that shine can flare birds. Get a nova in camo, put a nice choke on it and go kill some birds!

that's how i am leaning right now. Doubt I will spend the extra 100 bucks for the camo. I like it, but am looking to spend under $400 because I am getting a new bow too :D

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I would go with the 870 supermag. I love mine:) I got the sp thumbhole mossy oak obsession camo. Came with a extra full turkey choke.45 yards and I still have a great pattern. Stepson bought a express supermag thumbhole mossy oak breakup camo ,shoots as well as mine but does not have fiber optic rifle sights like mine.He got his from for $350 and $20 shipping $25 gun transfer fee.$395 out the door!:eek: Ray tanner was the seller out of jamison pa. I also have a 870 express supermag with the fall flight camo for duck & goose hunting. Never had any problems with it, even in 10 degree weather:eek: Hard to beat a 870 in my opinion. On the other hand opinions are like armpitts. Everyone has them and some may stink:rolleyes: Go to a gun shop and see what fits you the best:D Like to hear about the problems that lillhunter has heard about! None of my 8 friends that has the 870 supermag,nor the 6 friends that have the express modles have ever had any problems!

Edited by jesse8953
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Why not be one of the first to get the new Rem. 887 nitromag pump, msrp is 399.

yea i was thinking about this as well. it's weather resistant and can take a 3 1/2" if someday you feel like you're made of steel. in the end i went with the benelli supernova, because it gave me all the features i wanted. the 887 is a good choice if you don't plan on buying a slug barrel down the road. if you don't want camo too then it is cheaper.

- Dan

Edited by dbHunterNY
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yea i was thinking about this as well. it's weather resistant and can take a 3 1/2" if someday you feel like you're made of steel. in the end i went with the benelli supernova, because it gave me all the features i wanted. the 887 is a good choice if you don't plan on buying a slug barrel down the road. if you don't want camo too then it is cheaper.

- Dan

no need for a slug barrel. That's for those illinois guys with no rifle season ;). This gun will be used for turkey and dove, and perhaps ducks if i ever get the time/money

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It all comes down to personal fit-I bought the 870 SuperMag because Remington shotguns fit me best. I trried to shoulder the Benelli pump, but it didn't fit all that great for me. Reading different views online-you will hear horror stories on both guns. However, any firearms that are properly maintained should be good for a very long time. If you have problems, both companies have excellent customer service...Down to the nitty gritty-if you are planning on buying both a new bow and shotgun-wait for one and get the best you can of one of them, you;ll be less apt to resent either purchase if you skimp. I know all about being short on funds these days, but if you save for each, it won;t be as bad. Eric

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It all comes down to personal fit-I bought the 870 SuperMag because Remington shotguns fit me best. I trried to shoulder the Benelli pump, but it didn't fit all that great for me...

I was actually surprised my Benelli Supernova came with shims to adjust drop of comb and length of pull. You are right though every gun fits different. I was lucky the one I wanted fit perfect. Close my eyes, shoulder, and when I open them the sights are there and the is barrel level.

- Dan

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The 870 has more aftermarket parts available than the nova. BTW, that also gives it an advantage over the new 887. The 870 also tends to be more flexible with different shells to throw a nice even pattern.

You can get a Mossberg 835 in that price range and those guns sure throw some impressive patterns with turkey loads.

If you find a used Browning BPS check those out too. That's my favorite pump gun.

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The 870 has more aftermarket parts available than the nova. BTW, that also gives it an advantage over the new 887. The 870 also tends to be more flexible with different shells to throw a nice even pattern.

You can get a Mossberg 835 in that price range and those guns sure throw some impressive patterns with turkey loads.

If you find a used Browning BPS check those out too. That's my favorite pump gun.

thanks for the info Leo

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made a quick trip to walmart and like always I ended up in sporting goods and saw a Mossberg 535 in 3 1/2" chamber for $257!!! It comes with 3 (maybe 4) different chokes which is what my mossberg 500 and Remington 1100 are lacking (as well as the 3 1/2" chamber)

I just might get that one and save some dough

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