Pic from the PA. Show Today


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Well, my wife Jen, and I got to the show for the opening this morning. After getting lost (That place is huge!!!), finally found the Cabelas booth. Ask one of the Cabelas guys if Tim is around, and he tells me Tim is off getting coffee. He told me I was the first forum member to ask for Tim. grin.gif

So, as I'm waiting for Tim to show up, John (Lifenra) walks up and introduces himself to me. Seem he beat me there by a few minutes. After a few minutes Tim walks up, and John(Life NRA) graciously lets me introduce myself to Tim first to claim the watch. Ty Tim, and John. It was cool to meet Tim, and John, and John's father John (lots of John there...lol)at the show today. I was wearing a forum hat, and hoping some other members might bump into me.

Tim asked me if I could post the pic my wife Jen took of the three of us at the show, so here it is.


L to R..John (Lifenra). Myself, and Tim (teamrlthunter)

PS... Hey RT...if you're reading this...If Tim keeps showing up late for these things. I'll gladly take over his hunting, and show duties!!! wink.gif He showed us some awesome pics of deer he took this past year!!

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Re: Pic from the PA. Show Today


Whoa!!! Broke the camers!!!

jk..Looks like you guys had a good time!!

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LMBO!!! Yeah it was ok, but mannnnnnnnn did it ever get full around 10AM. This show is ok if you go there to book a hunt, and if you want to tote around a bunch of stuff! Back in 1992 I bought a boat there from Tracker. Other than that, I been going there since I was a kid. Actually starts to get boring after the first few hours. But my father wanted to go. I did get another turkey call to use in the fall kee-kee whisle. That works really cool! Stiil cant believe you drove all the way down for this!

It was nice meeting you and your wife John! cool.gif

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Re: Pic from the PA. Show Today



Whoa!!! Broke the camers!!!

jk..Looks like you guys had a good time!!

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LMBO!!! Yeah it was ok, but mannnnnnnnn did it ever get full around 10AM. This show is ok if you go there to book a hunt, and if you want to tote around a bunch of stuff! Back in 1992 I bought a boat there from Tracker. Other than that, I been going there since I was a kid. Actually starts to get boring after the first few hours. But my father wanted to go. I did get another turkey call to use in the fall kee-kee whisle. That works really cool! Stiil cant believe you drove all the way down for this!

It was nice meeting you and your wife John! cool.gif

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It was well worth the drive down. We went to Cabela's in Hamburg. That place was amazing. We spent 3 1/2 hours just looking at the mounts, before we even did any shopping ...lol. We also went to Bass Pro, which was also a very cool store. On the way back from the show we stopped at Ganders Mountain. I definately wish we had one of those closer to us!

As for the show. I couldn't believe how big it was. Our local shows, you end up walking through them in an hour. They end up beeing more geared toward fishing than hunting. You are right about the outfitters there John. There is a ton of them!

After all the huge bucks I saw between the stores, and the show, I doubt I'll ever see a shooter in Connecticut now...lol

It was a great time. Already planning on going back next year. My wife enjoyed it as much as I did.

Was cool meeting you and your dad John, as well as Tim.

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Re: Pic from the PA. Show Today



Ok ok I went and got coffee. But did you all know there were 2 Cabela booths! And thats where I was returning from.. er .. past the coofee stand too. lol!!!!! tim

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It wouldn't have been so bad...but he only came back with 1 coffee!!! tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

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LMBO!!!!!!! grin.gif

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