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I am suppost to be selling my bow to I guy I work with. I told him to shoot it and see what he thinks and I would only ask $100 for it. Well it has been a while since he has had it and no money yet. I mean I am not really interested in the money because I have a new bow and the one he has was given to me years ago because I gave a friend my pse so he cold start hunting. I know the guy has a hard time because he is a single dad and make just as much as me. I have a hard enough time with my wife and I and she has a job. I was thinking about just letting him have it, but it has been 4 months and he has not even said anything about paying me for it. Should I ask him about it or just forget it being I was going to let him have it anyway?

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I would try to bring it up casually and see where that goes. If he plain forgot or something to that affect it is your descretion. If he took it thinking may just give it to him eventually, then things might be different, although $100 is not worth the risk of losing a good friend.

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Are you sure he is not just taking advantage. Whenever I sense that, I take on an entirely different attitude.

If he has simply forgotten about it, perhaps he wasn't the right guy to give it to. If it's going to eventually turn into a gift, it seems that it would be better to give it to someone who will appreciate it, and use it and not throw it in a closet and forget about it.


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If it's really important to you, I'd say something like "hey, I have another guy that wants to buy that bow, so if you're done with it...." :D

I sold my old Legacy to a buddy for $400. He gave me $300 right away and I haven't seen the other $100 yet. That was almost 2 years ago. :rolleyes: This guy is a good friend, and has done at least $100 for me in free labor over the years so it's not that big of a deal for me. Don't know if I'll ever see that money to be honest.:o

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"Hey...You still got that Bow"?

How hard is that.;)

It lets him seemingly take the initiative and do something about it, one way or another, and save face. Besides the fact that it will immediately show you just what his intentions were from the start by what he says next.

If you decide it becomes a gift...mail him a homemade certificate of ownership and dont say anything about it to his face.

The longer you let it go it could become trouble that was needlessly started by you!

What I'm sayng is that friendships are not without the risk of infection...wash out the wound before it becomes a festering pustule:D

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I have been in situations before where i have had a friend that was interested in getting into the sport...Fortunately, i have had extra bows laying around collecting dust, so i have given them to people as "starter" bows...and in each case, they have passed them on to others to start shooting with. I will never see them again, and honestly, don't care if i do...I just hope they are helping others get into the sport.

Heres how i see it...If it was given to you free of charge, i think you should pass it on free of charge...Its not about the money here guys...its about introducing new people to the sport...Its a heck of a nice gesture as well. I would talk to the guy, and say something like..."you know that bow you were going to buy from me?? Well, how about this...buy me a few beers (or whatever) and we'll call it even.." He will be very grateful of that...Or bring it up, and simply tell him not to worry about it...its your pleasure.

thats what i would do...



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I think I would ask him how the bow is shooting for him. I know that I haven't had my bow out since the end of the season. I just needed to not shoot for a little bit.

If he has it, but hasn't found the time to shoot it enough to see if it is a good fit, then maybe invite him over for a evening of target practice.

I think there are ways to find out what he thinks of the bow. If he says he's been shooting and it is a great shooting bow. Then you can bring the 100 dollars up. Just a way to ease into the conversation.

If he doesn't like it, say you might sell it on Ebay.

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If it was a good friend this is what I'd do:

(Chuck to the shoulder) followed by...

Hey "name" when you going to give me that 500.00 dollars for that bow?

See how he responds.

If he says, yea 500.00 right. I'd like to buy it, but have been putting ya off because I'm trying to get the cash.

I'd follow by saying "hey, I want you to have it free of charge."

If he says, something else then just do what you feel to be right. At least you'll know.

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man i dont know

great advice lol...

What I would do is just give him the bow, if money isn't an option for you then let it go. You will be doing him a big favor and will be getting someone else into the world of bowhunting. That to me is priceless.. Just my 02 cents

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Well fixed it today guys... I haven't seen him in a while because we work in different cable systems, but a guy called in today so I went to work up his way. I asked him how the bow was shooting and if he was going to take it turkey hunting this year. He told me he had not really had a chance to shoot it becuase where he has been working has been full up on installs. By time he gtes home he is to tired to shoot. I told him not to worry about it and that if he did like it just to keep it because I never plan on using it anyway. He told me thanks and we went on about something else because hey we're guys and everything that needed to be said was said.

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