7600 Synthetic


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Re: 7600 Synthetic

The wood stock has a warmer feel to it than the factory plastic stock. It also does not have the hollow sound when it rubs against something. On the pump, it does not matter as much as on a bolt gun.

On a bolt gun, I would much rather have the wood stock over the injection molded plastic stock. The injection molded stock does not take bedding compound that well due to the release agent used to get it out of the mold. It also flexes way too much for my liking. When it flexes during firing, it can transfer stress to the action. This is not good for accuracy. On a pump, it does not matter, since it is only attached at the rear of the action.

I do like laid up fiberglass stocks over wood but most guns do not come with good synthetic stocks.

How about the laminated wood stock? I have seen them advertised for $490.


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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: 7600 Synthetic

Just to echo AJ a little. I put a fiberglas stock on my Model 700----It made noise when braches or schrubs would brush up against it. I went back to Walnut.

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Re: 7600 Synthetic

i would say it all depends on what kind of terrain you are hunting in. if it is thick heavy brush, the wood gun would get scratched easier. but as AJ says, the synthetic makes a fair amount of noise when stuff brushes up against it. but if you are field hunting, i would get the wood stock. if looks aren't a concern for you, then you could save the bit of money and just get the synthetic. that might just be me, i don't think i would ever own a synthetic gun, i just love the looks of the wood. thats just my preference though smile.gif good luck on your choice Jim.

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Re: 7600 Synthetic

Looks are not important to me at all. I treestand hunt 90% of the time so I am not overly concerned with rubbing it against anything. A buddy of mine is supposed to buy my slug gun this week. If he does, i am going to order this. Hopfully he does. smile.gif

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Re: 7600 Synthetic

My old 700 adl has a synthetic stock and it is not noisy, of course I dont go around banging it on trees. I like the looks of wood too, but for a rifle I am going to drag up and down a ladder through the woods, the synthietic has worked out fine for me.

Getwhat you want Jim. Maybe Remingtons synthetic stocks are not the same anymore? I dont know, but I have nothing bad at all to say abut the 10 year old adl I have with a sythetic stock.

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