I can't believe it..... (pics)


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I have helped clean several in my life, and never had any trouble. Just pinch the skin on the back, make a slice, get your fingers in there and pull it apart a bit. If you have two people, it makes things easier, obviously. One person grabs the open hide on the head end, and the other person grabs the open hide on the tail end, and then you both pull. It slides right off down to the feet where you snap them off with cutting pliers. ;) Make sense? Not hard at all.

If that's how you do it, and still have trouble, then either the fox squirrels in Arkansas must be a heck of a lot tougher than ours here in WV or you just need to pump some iron. LOL. ;):p

yes i am aware of how to clean a squirrel. They are very thick skinned and fat and hard to cut through. Also they have longer hair that ends up on the meat and they take more rinsing. Grey squirrels are quick and easy and I've never cleaned a squirrel with more than one person. lol

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Turned out good,my dad has an albino one mounted in that same pose only with a hickory nut in his mouth.

Thanks.... it was supposed to be a hickory nut in his mouth instead of an acorn, because that's what was in his mouth when he kicked the bucket. :(:D That's my only issue with this mount.... it's not politically correct to me. :p;)

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