Cartridge conversions?


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Just curious what brass you guys use to convert/resize to different calibers when reloading, or if you do at all. I didn't have a lot of brass for my .25-06 since I just got it in December. I knew I was going to be doing relaoding so I've saved all the factory shells I've shot through the gun since then, which was only 1 box. I got a 50 pack of new unprimed brass yesterday for it as well. I've been doing a lot of research on this reloading stuff for a while now, reading, watching You Tube videos etc. Lots of good info on there! I remembed seeing a couple videos on doing cartridge conversions so I decided to try some for myself. We've had several rounds laying in tubs for years that dad used to save when he did a lot of shooting and had a LOT of .270 and .30-06 brass in the mix. I ran a bunch through my .25-06 resizing die and they convert really well! Some of them take a fair amount of trimming, but it's well worth it. Puts a lot of unused brass to good use. :D:cool:

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That seems like alot of work just to produce a very common case. I've done conversions but not for common stuff.

There's plenty of 25-06 brass on Gunbroker in the reloading section. I've bought quite abit of once fired brass from there at some pretty good prices.


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