300 win mags and yankees


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Re: 300 win mags and yankees


300s and yankees dont mix 7 deer have been shurly injured and never recovered cause thes darn yanks cant shoot a power full gun strait. some guy missed a deer and hit a power line 3oyrds up and to the left in the sky expain that. plus a 300 is a little much dont ya think for 130-190lb texas deer we dont have to vaporize them have you ever had experiences with the 300 winchester miss? mad.gif

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Well this YANK can shoot straight, BTW, the civil war is over! Before you start the name calling learn to spell! Have you seen the seven deer that were never recovered? Besides you can miss with any gun if you don't have much experience with the firearm your using! I personally use a 270 for deer, but if the law states you can use a 300 mag so what. Shot placement is just as critical on a 300 mag as a .30-.30!

BTW, welcome to the forums!

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Re: 300 win mags and yankees


Before you start the name calling learn to spell! Have you seen the seven deer that were never recovered? Besides you can miss with any gun if you don't have much experience with the firearm your using!

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Yep, may not be such a great idea coming in here starting out like that making a broad statement directed at the folks from the north because you had some around that could not shoot. Alot of people around here where I hunt in Tennessee that wound deer. Think it has more to do with lack of good practice and control then the caliber of the gun in a experienced user. Personally I prefer a .270 for deer hunting as well.

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Re: 300 win mags and yankees

Well, shucks, pardner...............I thought Texas was the land of all things BIG!! smirk.gif Heck, even us Yanks know that there ain't no such thing as "too dead". .300 Win. Mags seem to be just about right for whatever ails us around here...........150 lb. deer, coyotes............why, my longest kill ever on a groundhog was with a .300 Win. Mag.

Do you know how hard it is to knock off a 6 lb. rodent at 500 yards when you've gotta bounce the bullet off an itty-bitty old powerline first????????

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Re: 300 win mags and yankees

I have hunted a lot both north and south of the Mason Dixon line. I have seen great shooters and hunters on both sides. I have also seen yahoos that could not hit the floor with their hat. So its not limited to a certain geographical location. I will also agree that a lot of hunters go out with guns they can not shoot properly. Again, its not limited to a group of hunters from any single area. Its across the nation.


7 deer have been shurly injured and never recovered cause thes darn yanks cant shoot a power full gun strait.

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Are you sure its due to bad shooting skills or bad tracking and recovering skills? I know for sure that this and many other "Yanks" can shoot straight.

I shoot a .300 Wby Mag on occasion. It's only barked twice at live game and not killed the target. It has taken a whole lot game at some very long distances too. Its killed more coyotes than most of my varmint guns combined.

How about toning down the Big texas attitude?

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Re: 300 win mags and yankees

stexashunter15, Welcome to the forums. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, that I hope your post was meant to be funny, and that you really don't feel that way. frown.gif As you see by the replies though, not in too good a taste ! A gun is only accurate if the person behind it is LOL.


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Re: 300 win mags and yankees


300s and yankees dont mix 7 deer have been shurly injured and never recovered cause thes darn yanks cant shoot a power full gun strait. some guy missed a deer and hit a power line 3oyrds up and to the left in the sky expain that. plus a 300 is a little much dont ya think for 130-190lb texas deer we dont have to vaporize them have you ever had experiences with the 300 winchester miss? mad.gif

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I'm a yankee and can hit deer just fine with my 300 WSM. grin.gif

BTW- If Yankees can't shoot there Johnny Reb who come we won the civil war grin.gif

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Re: 300 win mags and yankees

I could care less about the yankee thing but what kind of business man are you?

If I were a guide I would talk to the customers and find out how experienced they are. Then I would ask what they are shooting. Then, since I'm so smart, I would give a recommendation to use a smaller caliber. And last but not least I wouldn't spend so much time griping about the customers who pay me money so I can make a living HUNTING.

By the way, when you are a hunting guide why would you think that your clients would be composed solely of great hunters with sniper experience? There is a reason that your line of work exists.


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Re: 300 win mags and yankees

He's just a kid, give him a break. He does not realize that the bad shooting customers are helping his business. They pay the same if they kill or not, if they miss, the deer is still alive for the next paying hunter or the next year's paying customers. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Re: 300 win mags and yankees


That is fine, but really, yankee's confused.gif That applies to everyone.!!


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that was the way i percieved the term "yankee" as well. all people from the USA. i do not use the term because i respect my neighbours, and call them "fellow americans". unless i am joking around, i don't use the term wink.gifgrin.gif

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