Lets play..Name that bow!!

Tim Andrus

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Tim, Think about using the name "Charon" in refference to whats going to happen to the meat on the Grill:D

Or you could use the chart below...but I figured yours out already...probably dont want to do that:D:D:D

Follow the instructions to find your funny name.

Use the third letter of your first name to determine your NEW first Name:

a =silly

b =lumpy

c =buttercup

d =giggly

e =crusty

f =slick

g =fluffy

h =cheeseball

i =chilly

j = plucky

k =flunky

l =booger

m =pinky

n =zippy

o =goober

p =zany

q =soapy

r =looney

s =bunny

t =falling

u =double

v =squeezit

w =green

x =skipper

y =dinky

z =running

Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your NEW last name:

a =towel

b =chair

c =radio

d =bubble

e =arm

f =burp

g =lizard

h =waffle

i =cookie

j =monkey

k =table

l =liver

m =banana

n =rhino

o =burger

p =hamster

q =toad

r =flower

s =pizza

t =gerbil

u =chicken

v =pickle

w =chuckle

x =veggie

y =gorilla

z =singer

Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your NEW last name:

a =head

b =mouth

c =face

d =nose

e =tush

f =breath

g =pants

h =shorts

i =lips

j =honker

k =back

l =brain

m =teeth

n =chunks

o =heart

p =biscuits

q =toes

r =buns

s =fanny

t =sniffer

u =sprinkles

v =kisser

w =squirt

x =beans

y =brains

z =juice

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How about Belle. It can be short for dinner bell. Everytime you draw the bow back you can whisper to yourself, "Time to ring the dinner bell"

I like that... I refer to both my bow and my motorcycle as my "Mistress". (Depends on the season:D) Even though they are not named that...just referred to as that. Both of them take time away from my wife that I could normally be spending with her.... :p:D

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