Outdoor Photography Workshop


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Alright folks, I mentioned a bit ago about doing some outdoor photography workshops. I'm thinking about having them for about 3 days. All lodging, food, instruction, and transportation during the workshop would be provided. It will take place at my lodge in the foothills of East Central KY, about 1.5 hours SE of Lexington. It would likely be small groups of 4-8 people, so there is plenty of time for 1 on 1 help. Topics would include, but not be limited to, gear selection, proper exposure, composition, location lighting with flash and reflectors, basic Photoshop correction, etc. We'd also have nightly reviews of work from that day.

The real question is what would you pay for something like that?

It would be me doing the instruction, so don't be too frightened.

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Sounds like a good thing, Bill. Always a plus to get some hands on instruction. I have looked at more than a few outdoor photography workshops and have noticed that location seems to play a factor in the price. There was one in WV that I remember that was about $2000 all inclusive for three days. I saw the exclusive lodge and meals as the biggest expense at the time. Most of the photography was to be done very near to the destination itself. There were some materials and gratuities included in the price, too. Then you have to get there and that plays a big part in the cost today.

I have also looked at a couple that were only $500 and less, but there was no lodging and a bag lunch. I'd like to say somewhere in the middle for a price, but that would depend entirely on what the real bottom line would be and what you are looking to get out of it.

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