So, it looks like I'm a hypocrite


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Yep, I am. I was watching TV the other day, and the way my delivery times fall, I usually drive into the early morning and sleep until noonish. Well, I end up watching alot of bad late night and mid afternoon TV, you know, the shows designed for people without jobs and what not. Well, I was watching 'Blind Date' (I think) and there was a white girl on a date with a black guy. I shuddered then forced myself to say 'nothing wrong with that'. Then it hit me. I do have a problem with interracial relationships and I probably always have, but never realized. And, you know, I really don't have a problem with having a problem. Then I realized that the only real problem I have is with black/white relationships. As most of us know, I likes me some Asian girls. wink.gif

Boy is my face red after coming off all pretentious and holier-than-thou in the other thread. Nah, not really.

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Re: So, it looks like I\'m a hypocrite

'Blind Date' ...Pretty trashy show eh crazy.gif


Well, I was watching 'Blind Date' (I think) and there was a white girl on a date with a black guy. I shuddered then forced myself to say 'nothing wrong with that'. Then it hit me. I do have a problem with interracial relationships and I probably always have, but never realized.

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Maybe you should ask yourself why.


And, you know, I really don't have a problem with having a problem.

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Sounds like that could be a problem


Then I realized that the only real problem I have is with black/white relationships.

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Why??? confused.gif

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Re: So, it looks like I\'m a hypocrite

Or there may just be more people in here that don't care. I just don't see how it is so perfectly acceptable for relationships that are white/asian, white/hispanic etc. etc. and vice versa, noone cares if there is a black/asian, black/hispanic, but GOD FORBID, send down a rain of fire from the heavens if a white and a black want to have a relationship. America is the most hypocritical of any culture anywhere. I work with a guy who made a comment about how attractive a new black co-worker was (his opinion) and then a few days later was telling me about this good looking white student who was with a black guy and his response was " What a waste." If that is not just the most hypocritical, ignorant statement I have heard I don't know what is.

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