Not To Impressed With Primos


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Yesterday I saw that Primos had there Jellyhead chokes for $40 apiece! So I asked for one for my 835. NOT!!!!!!! They had none for the 835, it was the opening day of the Sportsman show!!! Almost bought an Undertaker from HS Strut. I'll just wait, Cabela's is having another Cabela Visa Card weekend, I will just go up there and get my free $30 towards my new choke!


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Re: Not To Impressed With Primos

Like NY911, I'm a big Primos addict myself, but I'll add this. I've been using an Undertaker for about 4 years with great results. This past Christmas I received a Jellyhead as a gift. I took it out recently and did some shooting, and it performed terribly. I tried it with 4 different loads, including Hevi-Shot #6's, which the tube was supposedly designed for. The patterns were not good at all. The Jellyhead might shoot great from your gun, but it was terrible in mine (870). I'm just glad that the $40 for my tube didn't come out of my own pocket. Thought about trying to return it, but I'm going to hold onto it I guess, may find a load that works well sometime down the road. But until then I'm sticking with the Undertaker.

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Re: Not To Impressed With Primos

Don't forget the Star Dot .676 bud in the PM's I sent you. For the price, you simply can't go wrong wink.gif You can pick them up on ebay for $15 shipped all day long.

I switched loads to Winchester XX Mag 3" #6 ( 2 oz.) and the patterns are great. At 25 yards I got to 66 BB's in the head and neck and quit counting because there were so many double and triple entry holes so close together that I just didn't have the patience to count. My 10" circle count was phenominal as well. At 40 yards there were 25 clean in the head and neck, 4 more in the beak that I didn't count obviously, and a TON that just missed different parts of the head and neck. The best part is I am told #5's perform the best out of it from several people who use it and the company itself. So I'll let you know how the #5's do some time this week. If you want to see my patterns, drop me an email!

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