Blessed season


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Went out to our field Friday after I got off of work, I finally spotted him at the edge of the field. He looked to be by himself for a little while then a hen popped out of the woods. They started feeding back to the spot I had picked out, but there was no way for me to get there without bumping them. Well wouldn’t you know it he strutted for 15min. 10yds in front of the tree I had cleaned up to sit beside. Finally they moved off into the field and a made my 1st of many moves. I wound up slipping down to within 30yds of my preferred tree and that’s when I saw his bright red and white head out in the field at about 40yds from the tree. He had come back to the spot and was strutting. I froze and called lightly and he gobbled and looked over and over. Then I saw a grey head pop up out in the grass, it was that hen and she was not going to give him up. She took him out in the middle of the 80acre field. He would gobble and strut, this went on for 2 hours. In the meantime I was texting my friend who was wanting to video the hunt but had prior engagements, he asked if I had the camera he gave me. I had forgotten it in my car. He ragged on me for a while about that. It would have made some great footage, the sun was setting and the glare of the last rays of light were glowing off of him, it was a sight. Well the hen starts walking toward the other end of the field and get the idea that I’ll run back to my car and get the camera and either I’ll get some footage or at least get to roost the birds for the next day. Well after running 3\4mile I reached my car and grabbed the camera then ran back out to the edge of the field. As fait would have it there were two hens walking my direction. I managed to crawl to the edge and set up; I’ve got my gun on one knee and the camera on the other (not easy). I managed to get some good footage then when the hens got to 35yds the camera shifted on my knee and they saw it. They turned and went in the woods at about 60yds and he followed. I figure I blew it, but just as he entered the woods I purred a few times. I sat the camera down thinking about what had just happened, as soon as I got my had back up to my gun he stepped out of the woods and was coming straight to me. He was looking for that last hen that he heard. He got to 35yds and I rolled him. I didn’t get the shot on film but I have the memory of it. That all for me in MS, maybe ill call in a few for some friends. Going to AL and KS so hopefully my season is not over.

He has a 9.75”beard and .75spurs weighed 18.5lbs. one smart two year old, I hunted him on and off since the start of the season. God was good to me this year.


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