Just to cheer you up...

Norm Sauceman

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If you think you are having a bad year, especially during tax time...remember..others, somewhere have it a bit worse... I feel sorry for the folk who are worse off than we are right now...

Last year when I was put on disability, I withdrew my somewhat small 401K... I immediately had to pay the 20% tax..then we found out that even though we withdrew it for medical reasosn and to SURVIVE on because workers comp took 16 weeks to start paying me..we were penalized $10K!!! We are having to pay $6,000 IN TAXES THIS YEAR...WE thought we would get a REFUND!!!!! I am unemployed, disabled, drawing CRAP for workers comp and now I have to come up with $6,000 to pay the IRS man..I hope he can squeeze blood from a turnip!!!! frown.gifmad.gifcrazy.gif ...Now, does that make you feel better??

We had to sell the house and signed it over yesterday, we have to be out in 30 days, we have to find a rent house, because of my condition, we have to hire it done, it is a house we built 3 years ago...NO equity... So, if you are having a bad year, just think, you could be the Sauceman family..all because of my "little" injury...DANG!

..but don't feel sorry for us..feel sorry for the other guy who is worse off than we are right now.

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Re: Just to cheer you up...

I know what you are going through Norm. It happened a few years ago to me. We were lucky enough to pull through it!

I agree with you though that there are people worse off. I have seen that also.

Wishing you nothing but better times and I am sure they are going to happen!

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Re: Just to cheer you up...


sorry to hear your story, norm. my heart goes out. but, i thing with a 15% sales tax in canada, and other taxes, the "free" stuff really isn't free. "things that are free, are generally worth it". poor richards almanac

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i totally agree with you, it is 15% sales tax, and the "free" stuff is not free, but it is a little easier in a situation like this, when the funds are a little on the tight side, it is well worth in the long run to dish out the 15 cents on the dollar, to have free health care. smile.gif

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Re: Just to cheer you up...

Man I really want to comment on this,, but just can't seem to find the right words of comfort for this type of situation...saying I feel for ya and wish ya luck, just don't seem to cover it..... frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif.....Norm as rich as this country is, and the money they waste on Social Welfare Programs for 16 year ols that get pregnant and have never worked a day in thier lives, you would think they could help a good hard working and honest family such as yours.....at this moment I'm very disgusted with our Gov. policies that were put in place to help people in these exact situations, instead it's wasted on Bingo going teens that have no clue.... frown.giffrown.giffrown.giffrown.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

Just wish there was someway of making the HURT go away.... frown.gif

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Re: Just to cheer you up...


Sure doesn't cheer me up Norm

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I agree---makes me sad reading that post. For a guy that dedicates his life helping the disabled it is really sad to see the situation you are in. Keep your faith in God---he will see you thru this hard time.


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Re: Just to cheer you up...

I won't bore you with my problems anymore, Lord knows I've done that to you guys enough over the last year, but I will say that I know what you're going through to an extent Norm--I guess more on the mental anguish side than the fianancial anguish side.

I don't get upset about too many things in life, but one thing that gets me riled is listening to people, (namely my students) complain that "this is too much work" "I don't feel good" "i missed 3 days of school because I had a sore throat" and on and on. Some people just don't have a clue.

Fight the fight Norm--it's what I tell myself all the time and it seems to make the high times higher.

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Re: Just to cheer you up...


I hear that Norm. I am stressed also. The Treasury department sent me a letter today saying they are taking over $200 from my Social Security check tomorrow towards some VA bills. I am totally screwed now. I probably won't be on here much longer. frown.gif


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Now this is just totally wrong.....Taking money from a Vet of this country is just wrong...That's just going to make me write a few congressman for sure....What the heck is wrong with our Gov. these days... shocked.gifshocked.giffrown.giffrown.gif

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Re: Just to cheer you up...

Well I can relate to the major lack of funds....just 4 years ago...couldn't find gainful employment for a spand of 4 years.....tried my own business....no go.....ran $ 30,000 up on credit card for basic living expense's with no income to speak of.....wife at home with 5 yr.,......we were renting in a apartment.....with no hope in sight...I just kept praying going to church....and staying positive....tho I had many weak moments......hardest time I ever went through.....it was tuff...like battling cancer or something......I knew somehow God would get me through it....worked 10 different odd jobs...all bad.....yes I was sad and stress beyond measure....then suddently got a good job......slowly dug out and today we have a newly build home with some savings.....new toys laying everwhere....man I just can't believe it turn around.....keep your head up buddy....it takes time....even with God on your side it may take a little time......I know its tuff.......really tuff.....keep busy...keep moving...do some good things for people.....and don't sit around too much thinking about it (hopeful you can get around a little with the injury).....that was the worse thing I did.....and try to stay thankful for the little things.....friends here and such......it'll turn....I didn't think so....but it did....God is good always !

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