Switchback was nice but Whisper Creek....


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Twice as light and looked awesome.

Got to finally hold a switchback at the local Sportshow and was like: "Hey this is nice....(but noticed the weight immediately)".

Then after strolling around I found my local archery shop was there and they are carrying their new line of bows now...Whisper Creek. I held up a model they had there and was thinking hey theis bow looks weird....then I realized it weighed so little I couldnt believe it was a real bow and not just a designers mock-up. I was fairly impressed with the bow, the design was radical, and the weight was what we would not mind carrying around all day in the woods.

will I sell my Mathews FX I have now and get one....PROBABLY NOT...lol. I will however concede the fact that someone else can make a decent bow and have some design capabilities.

Now in conclusion...lol...While I was there at the booth another man stepped up and was looking at them. He told the guy he had a couple of the earlier versions that had problems with the risers and asked "Did they get that fixed yet???"...always leaves you with some reservations eh smirk.gif

Now due to recent events I have to add this non-legal disclaimer...lol...if you are offended by this post...sorry loser.gif

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Re: Switchback was nice but Whisper Creek....

Clay, I dont know what model it was...but I will find out Monday...I'm headed to the Bow Shop then.

Remember everyone...a slick little trick that we sometimes dont notice at these shows......Wait...let me ask this as a question:

When was the last time you held a Bow at a sportshow that had all the accessories added on.....and said to yourself"Hey this is a really lite Bow"?????

Exactly....They never have them....its to make their bows feel lighter because without all the add-ons they are....its the simple things we sometimes overlook. wink.gif

Its like the bows that are really easy to draw back....they are set at what...maybe 45 lbs...maybe 50 if they are able to be touched by anyone.

Thats my point in this post....Yeah I was impressed by the Bow and its design.

But I was caught by the same trap I'm telling you all about now.

I'm sure there is nothing really glaringly different about this bow from any other......its not the Genesis of the Earth......that the single cam idea was.

Its just Showmanship at these shows I wanted to draw attention to and maybe keep someone from jumping in with bow feet before they check to see how deep the water is. wink.gif

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Re: Switchback was nice but Whisper Creek....


I kinda like a bit heavier bow. It holds more stable for me. I'm primarily a treestand hunter so the xtra weight doesn't really bother me on stand.

If i had to walk around with it all day I might think otherwise.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree 100%. Most bows don't really seem "heavy" to me. I enjoy doing some stalking with rifle, and that beast weighs 6 1/2 to 7 pounds. I don't mind a 4 pound bow at all. grin.gif

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Re: Switchback was nice but Whisper Creek....

Clay, I went to the Local Bowshop in town and found that the bow I like so much is the Quantum.

I just got off the phone with a representative and their website will be updated by the end of the week. I would imagine that the update will show the bow then.

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Re: Switchback was nice but Whisper Creek....

Well it has been a few hours...LOL....Hard to believe that they answered in the same day let alone answered at all my request for info on the bow I like...here it is:

Good Day,

As requested, here are the specs for the 2005 Whispercreek Quantum.

IBO Speed - 290

AMO Speed - 219 (approx.)

Brace Height - 9 3/16"

Axle-to-axle - 30 1/8"

Draw Length - 28 1/4" - 32 1/4"

Draw Weight: 50, 60, or 70 lbs.

Also, the roller cable system is available for this bow as promised for 2005. If you have any questions, or would like a full catalog, feel free to give me or Becky a call.

Thank you for you business,

Jonathan Nish

Whispercreek Archery


fax 801.335.0008

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