one word to describe obama


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LOl i take it that the republicans are pretty much running this thread.

Whats to hate about obama? I mean seriously he cant be no worse than the oaktard that got america involved in a war that is causeing the economic down fall of this great nation.

I understand that yeah, Obama is of a different race, but what happend to not judgeing a man by the color of his skin.

Lets just say the the 1 word i would haft to pick would be


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LOl i take it that the republicans are pretty much running this thread.

Whats to hate about obama? I mean seriously he cant be no worse than the oaktard that got america involved in a war that is causeing the economic down fall of this great nation.

I understand that yeah, Obama is of a different race, but what happend to not judgeing a man by the color of his skin.

Lets just say the the 1 word i would haft to pick would be


Whoa... not one person, other than YOU, has said anything about the mans race. I think most everyone has an opinion of him for anything but his race. YOU are the only one that went there. If you are a sportsman... follow this link and then you will see why most people on these forums do not like or trust the man.

Edited by Swamphunter
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1 a. 1 a deceit trickery specifically intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b. b an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick

2 a. 2 a a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : impostor also one who defrauds : cheat b. b one that is not what it seems or is represented to be - Synonym - see deception, imposture

Edited by Predator
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LOl i take it that the republicans are pretty much running this thread.

Whats to hate about obama? I mean seriously he cant be no worse than the oaktard that got america involved in a war that is causeing the economic down fall of this great nation.

I understand that yeah, Obama is of a different race, but what happend to not judgeing a man by the color of his skin.

Lets just say the the 1 word i would haft to pick would be


Wow--I do not even know where to start here, but I will try to stay calm.

Let's just look at some recent history. I'm going to put this in a simple list format:

  • Obama--backed overwhelmingly by auto workers unions
  • It costs GM/Ford/Chrysler about $90 an hour to keep a union employee working.
  • It costs Toyota about $55 an hour to keep employees working here in the US.
  • Obama--supported--called for--demanded--brought the uninformed to PANIC over how the world would end if OUR tax dollars weren't given to the big three--basically to keep the union workers--his most powerful group of supporters--happy.
  • Once giving the money to GM, Obama steps in and calls for the CEO to step down--and he does.
  • This IS socialism--the government taking control of the free market. It's wrong and something that NO Republican OR Democrat would have supported 30 years ago.

This is not about helping the "little guy." This is about government taking control of the manufacture and distribution of motor vehicles in the us instead of letting supply and demand be in control. If it weren't for the government stepping in with tarriffs on imported cars, the big three would have failed long ago.

I could go on and on with this part of my reply--but need to move the war:

If Obama were in the US Senate at the time (and he was not), he would have been in the minority of his own party if he did not vote for the Iraq resolution. Based on the intelligence we had at the time--as well as our allies--it WAS the right thing to do. We now know that the intelligence was not dead on--so it was REALLY easy for Obama to say he opposed it all along AFTER the fact. Hindsight is 20/20.

Finally, the most ridculous thing you did was basically called opposition to Obama racist. (William, sorry buddy--you may need to step in here) That is the most idiotic thing I have EVER heard--Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Obama's racist minister would be proud of you. There were a lot of people on this site who have continually supported people like Alan Keyes--one of the brightest minds in our nation.

Many who support Obama are racist and have thrown aside their own beliefs and voted for him just because he's black. Here is an example:

I have a step-son. His mother, my wife, is caucasion. His father is half caucasion and half African-American.

His father is a southern Baptist minister, staunch pro-lifer, supporter of the military, and actively involved in the pro-traditional marriage movement.

When Obama clinched the nomination, this staunch Republican admitted to his son he was going to vote for Obama just because he was black. THAT is short-sighted, racist, and hypocritical. It makes me stick to my stomach. My step-son is 14 years old and the most color-blind person I know. I truly am thankful to God for giving him the intelligence to see through the hypocrisy.

I highly advise you read through some of the discussions on this forum before you jump in here and start implying that people here are racist. Then again, you might just be a typical, uninformed Obama lover following blindly. (Okay William--go ahead and work your magic--I'm pretty hot about this

Now, do I HATE Obama? No, absolutely not. Do I HATE his policies? Yes--they are anti-American. Like Rush Limbaugh, I want his policies to fail because they are NOT good for our country.

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Okay William--go ahead and work your magic--I'm pretty hot about this


Looks like a civil well thought out reply to me Mark, despite what some folks here might think I do try my best to let as much go as possible. Nice to have someone in here who knows how things go from this end, if anyone can appreciate the position you can get put into in debates here it would be you or Steve.;)

As far as the the reference to racism and direct response to the member who brought up racism, so long as there is civil reply and any further debate remains civil I see no reason for "working magic" here.:rolleyes:;)

Shame really that for pointing out what you see that some folks will be quick to slap labels around without knowing anything about you.:o:( It is also a shame that exactly what you pointed out held to seem to be true with this past election, that folks voted based on race alone and not on the issues that should have been important to them.

btw, anyone ever tell you that you would make a good mod.;):D

On the comment about Obama being "hated", most presidents to my knowledge have been hated to a degree by some folks for a wide variety of reasons. You cannot please all the folks all the time, George Bush if anything proved that being president is not a popularity contest by doing what he knew would kill his ratings, for that I think history will judge him differently than the liberal media has judged him in our own time.

On this topic: one word to best describe Obama, while I agree with Fred that he is the president and I have tried and will continue to try to give him an opportunity to show me that he is more than his senate record shows, the one word(a hyphenated word) that best fits in my opinion due to his past record and what we have already seen early into his presidency is Ultra-Liberal or Super-Liberal.

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Lets just say the the 1 word i would haft to pick would be


There may be some in this country who hate Obama for one reason or another, but I seriously doubt if there are any more Obama "haters" than there were Bush "haters." Just remember how Bush was vilified daily in the liberal press.

What disturbs me is how much of the American population distrusts President Obama. Whether or not you agree with his politics, you should at least be able to trust the President of the United States.

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LOl i take it that the republicans are pretty much running this thread.

Whats to hate about obama? I mean seriously he cant be no worse than the oaktard that got america involved in a war that is causeing the economic down fall of this great nation.

I understand that yeah, Obama is of a different race, but what happend to not judgeing a man by the color of his skin.

Lets just say the the 1 word i would haft to pick would be


i take offense to the racial comment here. america is the MOST RACIAL TOLERENT nation in the world, and i'll prove it. look around the world. europe(each and every country), russia, australia, new zealand, canada, mexico, and literally every other country in the world which has a white majority of citizens.

1) america is the youngest. we became a nation only a few hundred years ago.

2) we have roughly 10% black in america. that is the same or less than most other nations.

3) we are the FIRST nation in the above world to elect a black president.

that said, obama took 52% of the vote. mccain took 46%. yet, obama took 99% of the black vote while mccain got only 2%. reverse discrimination, maybe:confused:.

now, DO NOT tell me about america being prejudiced! at least not on the white side. our last election seems to dispell that once and for all.

that rant over, i'll say disingenuios

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I think you've pretty much got it handled and am thrilled you accepted the position--not to mention I don't think we've ever disagreed on anything--LOL. If you ever do need help though, I would be willing.

It's great to be back!

Rant away Mark. You always do it :D

Welcome back again. I missed ya.

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LOl i take it that the republicans are pretty much running this thread.

Whats to hate about obama? I mean seriously he cant be no worse than the oaktard that got america involved in a war that is causeing the economic down fall of this great nation.

I understand that yeah, Obama is of a different race, but what happend to not judging a man by the color of his skin.

Lets just say the the 1 word i would haft to pick would be


I don't think anyone has mentioned his ethnicity. Would you like to point that one out for us?

I think he's being judged by his performance.

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He is a Zero

One one for these remarks: humorous

"He is a zero" is actually 4 words. :cool:


Look it up, it fits him to a "T"...

Dude, you're not the only one who knows what that word means without having to reference Webster's.:rolleyes: Though that did bring one word to mind: pretentious.

That describes the majority of the thoughts shared in this forum, to a "T.";)

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Look it up, it fits him to a "T"...

Dude, you're not the only one who knows what that word means without having to reference Webster's.:rolleyes: Though that did bring one word to mind: pretentious.

That describes the majority of the thoughts shared in this forum, to a "T.";)

Not surprisingly, you've totally missed my intent. I don't doubt that everyone here knows what the word means. The "look it up" was added to strongly emphasize my point, because I do believe that one word, disingenuous, to be the most descriptive of the president.
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Originally Posted by 3whunt viewpost.gif


He is a Zero

One one for these remarks: humorous

"He is a zero" is actually 4 words. :cool:


Look it up, it fits him to a "T"...

Dude, you're not the only one who knows what that word means without having to reference Webster's.:rolleyes: Though that did bring one word to mind: pretentious.

That describes the majority of the thoughts shared in this forum, to a "T.";)

So what is your word Eric?:confused: Or are you just posting for some other reason here.:o;)

One one for these remarks: humorous

Ohhhh the irony.;):D

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