Wisdom Teeth Out Today


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It's not THAT bad! :p:D Just make sure to eat yogurt, ice cream, or other soft foods for a few days. Personally, I lived on yogurt for 3 or 4 days... LOL. :p You definitely won't feel much like chewing anything, that's for sure! Be careful of infection or dry sockets!

You'll be fine!! :D

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hopefully your experience will go as good as mine. I had all four pulled at once. Dont really remember anything besides laying down and waking up, once I was awake, I laughed and laughed and laughed til i pulled the stitches out and they had to redo them and told me to stop laughin. Once i got home, i went to sleep for about 6 hours, got up, changed the pads in my mouth and went out that night. I had no swelling and no pain. The next day I was eating solid foods again. Just be sure to keep your "holes" clean.

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i had mine out but only had 3 to remove was knocked out to have them out was ok alittle sore,the pain pills knocked me out and tynenol 3 made me sick to my stomach but after 3 days I was fine don't drink out of a straw not good eat soft foods and keep the holes clean so you don't get dry socket which hurts real bad

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Just about to head out the door to get my wisdom teeth taken out. Doesnt sound like its going to be very pleasant. Sounds like a good way to ruin my spring break.


Man I know exactly what you are goin through. I got my wisdoms taken out on my spring break about 3 years ago. It is really not all that bad. Tons of Milk shakes and ice cream. But with mine I had all four taken out and braces put on and a cavity filled. It will get better trust me. plus it will be much better in the future for ya.

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I hope the recovery goes well for you, Shane.

I was one of the lucky ones. I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out several years ago. I opted to be put to sleep for it. I had absolutely no pain at all. I got sick on the way home, but that was it. The only bad part was all the food that would get stuck in the open spots where the teeth were before they healed over.

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My first ones didn't go so well, I went to an Army dentist in 1984 - He said all 4 should come out. He pulled the top two first, WITHOUT GAS/NOVACINE, nothing!!!

I said "Sir, with all due respect, you are not touching me again!"

I ended up waiting 25 years to pull the last two. Had them pulled last fall, couple hours of discomfort, nothing major..

Good Luck!

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