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Sorry to hear it. Especially when you were that close to fresh roadkill and you didn'y snatch it up!!!! :( That coulda been dinner, Chris!!! What kinda Ohioan are you??? :confused:

Trust me, it has crossed my mind, and I'm not opposed to eating a backstrap that fell to a bumper, but I've often pondered what kind of conversations and stories would circulate around the school if I had a deer in the back of my truck.:D

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........ but I've often pondered what kind of conversations and stories would circulate around the school if I had a deer in the back of my truck.:D

I thought every pickup with Ohio plates had roadkill in the back. :D:D

Wait............... :rolleyes: .................or was that West Virginia?? :confused:

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I found a decent buck dead with about an inch and a half of growth on Sunday while out mushrooming. Third deer I have found dead in the same timber since the season ended. The first two I found were young does. Take'n a guess by the bucks teeth I would say hes somewhere from 3- 4 or so. Would of been a dandy I'm guessing. I'm kinda start to wonder tho with that being the 3rd deer I have found dead in there in about a 4 to 5 month span is something is going on around here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man that sucks, I hate seeing roadkill deer. :( I was out on a roadtest with my shop foreman not that long ago and we saw one feeding about 60 yards off the road. 10 minutes later one of the other mechanics get back and said he seen someone hit a deer right where we saw the one minutes earlier. The guy who hit it pulled over to the side and was field dressing it. At least he salvaged the meat.

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