Barrel length opinions

lil hunter

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Re: Barrel length opinions

CR4, if the 24" suits your needs, than go for it. smile.gif

My shortest barrel is 26". I was a duck fool for many years, back then though the norm was a 28" or even longer. lil is right though, it seems a longer barrel swings better. It sounds like you have used the shorter barrel with good success. Stick with what suits you the best. !!


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Re: Barrel length opinions

a 24" is fine for ducks. thats what my brother's gun has for a barrel. i have a 26" on my 870 Wingmaster. its basically your preference and how it suits your needs. if you are going to be hunting in thicker brush or cat-tails or something like that, i would go with the shorter barrel so the end of the barrel doesn't get caught up in the debris grin.gif

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Re: Barrel length opinions

The longer the better for shooting moving game IMO. Two things about shorter barrels Not only will they tick off your friends as there ears are gonna be hurting. Second thing is safety A longer barrel will stay out of the blind and take more effort to get in and out clean. Short barrels allow you to continue to swing right into someone elses lane and that can cause problems.

I dont know of its true or not but i think the longer barrel will get you a few more FPS out of those duck loads than the short one will.

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Re: Barrel length opinions


I dont know of its true or not but i think the longer barrel will get you a few more FPS out of those duck loads than the short one will.

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Yep. True. It will give you more velocity.

From my personal experience, I like a short barrel (around 22") for point-n-shoot stuff like flushing grouse. A turkey gun needs to be 26" or under to suit me. But for pass shooting like doves, ducks, geese, etc. I like a 28" tube. It gives me a smoother swing.

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Re: Barrel length opinions

Personally, I like longer barrels. On an upland gun, I will take a shorter barrel (24-26") but for turkey hunting, waterfowl, and clay shooting, I would rather have a longer barrel. The longer barrel will add mass away from the shooter making it easier to maintain the swing through the target. A shorter barrel is easier to start the swing, but its easier to stop short and not follow through. For trap shooting, I use a 34" for single targets and 32" for doubles. Granted this is on a o/u gun so I don't have the long receiver length, but a 30" tube on a 870 or 1100 is just as good.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: Barrel length opinions

Shotgun barrels & like most things in life----"LONGER IS BETTER" grin.gifgrin.gif I have a 30" barrel on my 870----perfect for ducks, geese, pheasant & turkey IMO------I like the longer site plane & it swings better----much easier to follow thru. Now for grouse-----tangle grape vines, etc----I think a 26" comes into it's own.

My trap gun a BT-99 has a 34" barrel & fixed full choke. Works great from the 16 yard line all the way back to the 27.

Just remember "LONGER IS BETTER" grin.gifgrin.gif

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