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What kind of release do you guys use or would recommend? I have had the hardest time trying to find a release I am comfortable with. The main problems I have been having is finding one that I can shoot consistantly with and that doesnt get in my way while I'm in the tree stand.

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I'm shooting a heck I don't even know what it is.LOL I just drawed a blank trying to think of it. God thats embrassing...anyway Its a 4 finger back tension. I couldn't keep it consistant with a caliber realese so I went back for hunting. Some day I'm going to make a switch back over sometime.

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Everybody is going to have thier personal favorites.

From what you've said the ones you've had so far have got in your way while up in the perch. As far as I know theres a couple solutions to that.

1. Buy a release that has a swivel attachment point so you can tuck it up under your sleeve to get it out of the way.

2. Find one that attaches to the string of your bow that you dont have to continue to hold it.

Consistency is always going to be a matter of being familiar with the release...when you've had and used one long enough that it feels like it's part of the Family you'll be consistent with it;)

I personally like a Glove style release so the pull of the draw feels like it's more on my arm instead of my wrist.


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I also shoot a Cyclone with a Velcro strap. It's got a jaw that you open to attach and release. It's not a touch release, it's a squeeze release so you can take yer time when shooting. It's a strap connection between the release and the wrist strap, so it's fully adjustable on length and it easily tucks in yer sleeve. You can also adjust yer trigger tension and lock the swivel into place. Happy hunting!

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i'm shooting a tru fire mossy oak buckle release. for hunting it works great for me. feels comfortable, shoots smooth, and i wanted a buckle because my old release used velcro and it would always attach to my fleece scent lok and make noise or hook itself to the inside of my sleeve when i tried tucking it into my sleeve. it just wasnt comfortable for me at all so i had to go with a buckle strap and im lovin it.

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I'll take a different approach to this question.

1. Do you prefer a finger or thumb release?

I have a slight punch the trigger problem and I have found that a thumb release has done wonders for me.

2. How sensitive do you want the realease to be? When you touch it will it go off or do you want 1/2 inch of pull? I prefer a sensitive release.

3. I glove, or wrist or free hanging? I had a glove to begin with a it makes it easier to pull back. Wrist is ok. Free hanging like the thumb release will stay out of the way or you can just attach it to the string and let it hang there (hope it doesn't accidently release amd fall to the ground).

4. When your eye sight gets bad like mine you want a release that attaches easily and quickly. A swivel type will help this.

The best thing that I found is to go to an archery shop and try different releases. Most guys that shoot there will let you try the release that the use.

good luck to all

the dog

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Mine is a Cobra, had it for years and years. It does fine.


I have been using the same Cobra velcro release for 10 years, and it still puts the smackdown on em...

Im afraid to change due to the fact that alot of the new releases are significantly shorter...i dont want to re-teach myself how to shoot with such a dramatic change...but in time, i am sure i will...

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I have been using the same Cobra velcro release for 10 years, and it still puts the smackdown on em...

Im afraid to change due to the fact that alot of the new releases are significantly shorter...i dont want to re-teach myself how to shoot with such a dramatic change...but in time, i am sure i will...

I'm like you. I am afraid to recall when I first bought it!! Maybe even longer in time than yours!:eek:

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I'll take a different approach to this question.

1. Do you prefer a finger or thumb release?

I have a slight punch the trigger problem and I have found that a thumb release has done wonders for me.

2. How sensitive do you want the realease to be? When you touch it will it go off or do you want 1/2 inch of pull? I prefer a sensitive release.

3. I glove, or wrist or free hanging? I had a glove to begin with a it makes it easier to pull back. Wrist is ok. Free hanging like the thumb release will stay out of the way or you can just attach it to the string and let it hang there (hope it doesn't accidently release amd fall to the ground).

4. When your eye sight gets bad like mine you want a release that attaches easily and quickly. A swivel type will help this.

The best thing that I found is to go to an archery shop and try different releases. Most guys that shoot there will let you try the release that the use.

good luck to all

the dog

Yeah, your problem isnt "brand" but rather "style". Everyone likes their release (scott here) but dont get hung up on names but figure out what your most comfy with by trying some of the varieties listed in the posts above, then you can worry about what brand you want in that particular style. I dont know why it gets in your way, i just get in the stand, clip mine on and take a nap....... Nothing like being woke up by the sound of crunching acorns! hehehe:eek::cool:

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