Super Nova


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I just bought a SuperNova in Advantage Timber camo with the comfortech stock. It's reasonably light and, despite some think it's not as sturdy a gun as say an 870, it seems to be pretty good quality. I could got that package for $550 which is a little cheaper than what they say on the website It came with 3 chokes (M, IC, F) and I think a couple of the chokes were good for steel shot. I liked how it has a smooth transition underneath, for a pump, from the reciever to the stock. It's claimed and seems to be completely weather proof. You don't need any tools to take it apart really. The balance and fit was good for me, but it did come with shims to adjust length of pull and drop of the comb. I just didn't need to use them. I'm using it for turkey and general purpose so I got the comfortech stock, thinking it'd soften the kick from 3.5" shells if used them. The stock seems to reduce things quite a bit, but as I said I haven't shot the really big stuff out of it yet. I did consider the pistol grip, but I'll be moving around using the gun for more than just turkeys and coyotes. The butt end of the pistol grip stock didn't seem too cushioning either.

Hope this helps,


...didn't really say this, but YES I really like the Supernova.

Edited by dbHunterNY
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018.jpg017.jpg The super nova is a fine choice in shotguns,I bought mine last year for turkey hunting and have used it for that,dove and rabit.With the chokes that come and the 26" barrell it is a all around shotgun that does numbers on turkeys.The steady grip stock is by far the most comfortable on the market,I have shot thumb hole stock guns before and there are no comparison in my opinion.If bass pro has them for 399$ you had better jump all over it,that is about 160$ less than what you will pay any other time.Hope this helps in your decision.
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