Where should I go?


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I got permision to hunt 2 propertys. The last few days I saw turkeys at both places:D.The first one has a longbeard and 6-9 hens always around feeding in a feild, around a creek and tree line. The second place I saw a hen by herself in the woods {along a creek}and 2 longbeards in a feild 500 yards away.Today I saw the 2 longbeards in the woods when I was scouting the area. Witch spot would be the best to sit monday mourning {no hunting after 12:00}. Do I use decoys if so what kind?:confused: Hen,Jake,or a B-mobile.It is my first year and need some input from experianced turkey hunters. So what do you think:rolleyes:

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I would go to the farm that you know the best. Sometimes you need to move on a bird and just put yourself in the area he is heading. Knowing the land will help you use the land to your advantage. As far as the decoys go all of them will work.I don't have any of the new decoys on the market. I usually put out a single hen or hen w/ jake fairly close.

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It's pretty early in the season and decoying birds and calling them in will be difficult if you aren't exactly where they want to be. Go where you KNOW the birds want to be and your chances of success will increase tenfold. As far as decoys go, I would go with a B-mobile and a hen or two. There are still plenty of dominant birds around that will head straight to B-mobile looking for a fight. Good luck! :)

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I would go to the spot with the least amount of hens around. Around here anyways, hens have a knack of stealing toms away before they can get to the call. Much easier to call a tom to you if you have less 'real' competition.

I would maybe sit the field where the group of hens were in the late morning until noon. They may bring a tom along behind them sometime.

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