Georgia Eastern Gets SMASHED


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Well its been a long few weeks but i am catchin up on my stories and pics from the season. I started off in georgia with dave and poncho. I was in georgia for maybe 6 hours and i had my bird on the ground. The fog had set in on the river side cotton field that poncho had scouted the day before. 3 longbeards had went to roost in the georgia pines and we where waitning on there gobbles that next morn. Heard the ol' boys bright and early but the fog had us smothered. Finally they flew across the coosa river to see what that cacklin hen wanted. There first look wasnt very good they looked and went the other way. After 5-10 min they came back again and put on a show for scrappy. Finally i sent 2 oz. of 6's outa a indian creek and took his lips plum off at 16 steps. then poncho smacked the second at 25 yards. 9.5 beard 1 inch spurs and 19.12 lbs




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