ESPN & Humane Society


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I found this on another website.

'One of the ads running lately on ESPN radio is for the “Wildlife Land Trust.” The WLT is an offshoot of the US Humane Society. Has anyone else heard this ad? I am curious if it is running in different areas, or just in my local area? I want to know if I need to complain to ESPN corporate or my local affiliate. I would imagine that a lot of ESPN listeners are sportsmen who feel like myself and would like this ad removed. I intend to make my feelings known, will you make yours heard too? "

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some info from there web site:

Since its founding in 1993, the Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust has worked with private landowners to create more than 100 permanent wildlife sanctuaries in 37 states and seven foreign countries. On these sanctuaries recreational and commercial hunting and trapping will always be prohibited.

The Wildlife Land Trust, alone or in collaboration with a variety of partners, has been involved in the protection of millions of acres of wildlife habitat. As a proud affiliate of the Humane Society of the United States, the WLT joins in campaigns to protect wildlife from cruel and indefensible practices such as poaching, steel-jawed leghold traps, Internet hunting and canned shoots.

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ESPN is owned by Capital Cities Corp which is owned by Disney. Now we all know what Disney thinks of hunters and shooters:rolleyes:. You have to expect the Libs to pick up steam with the current folk in power:(. What surprised me was the info that Limbaugh was doing voice overs for HSUS. They must have paid him very good.

Get out those letters and phone calls. The only way they will back off of their junk is to inundate them with complaints.

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