Pick a spot/ bowhunters..


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Go between the 4 and 5 yellow and a hair right trying to picture the offside leg. It appears the close leg is a bit forward which will allow your arrow to go just behind the boney triangle that makes up a deer's shoulder. You will most likely see that deer fall;):). If the shoulder worries you, creep toward the green 4 and 5 but be aware that this deer quarters to you. Going too far back will give you nearside lung and stomach. He'll be dead but also a tad green when you find him. You may want to pass altogether, but this deer looks quite close and that should raise your confidence. Anymore of an angle and I would not shoot. Always picture your exit when trying to pick an enterance. Fun game Woolybear.

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Blue 4 or 5, at this level, depending on height of my stand blue 1,2, or 3..Im taking out the lungs and keeping away from shoulder blade, most will shoot the shoulder

I agree totally. Depending on the height of my stand, ten yards is really close and the higher i am the higher i'd pick the dots to get clean downward penetration just behind the shoulder blade.

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I don't like quartering to shots, but if i had to on this guy i would let it fly on the bottom yellow dot...Should get some heart, and definitely both lungs...

If you are going to take a quartering to shot, you don't want to put it too far back or you will most likely be at the beginnnig of a very long hike (catching high in one lung or maybe a liver shot)...Too far forward and the shoulder might act as a shield, break your arrow, and ricochet the broad head into the opposing shoulder ulltimately causing you to miss all the vitals...

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