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A friend and I have been hunting opening day here in Indiana for the last 10 yrs together. Until this morning we've never both killed a bird on opening morning.

We got into the blind just after 5am. Of course hopes were high but as dawn broke we didn't see any birds roosted or hear any near us. We both just figured we would end up having a long sit until something either responded to the calling or just happened to wander by. At 6:15 a hen cut loose about 100yds west of us. She was in the high grass and out of sight. I started throwing some challenge calls back at her which got her fired up. Then out of nowhere a tom showed up stroking down a mowed lane towards the direction the hen was located. My pard told me I could shoot first so I laid him out. He went straight down without much flopping. We deceided to leave him there because the hen was still calling. I picked up the glass call and resumed answering her back. Two gobblers cut loose relatively close so we just got ready and waited. It wasn't 3 minutes after my shot that this second tom came down a different trail. My buddy didn't see him so I got him spun around and I pointed his gun in the direction the bird was coming. Two or three steps later the bird was in an opening and killed where he stood. It went from appearently no birds in the area to two dead on the ground within three minutes.

Both birds were 22# two year olds with 10" beards.




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