Va BBD's - 3 birds in 4 days


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hey everyone, im new here but just wanted to share my 09 season with you. Season opened April 11th here which was a rainy day. I still lucked out and bagged one. Excuse the photo since it had just stopped misting rain so everything was wet. This one managed to come into the decoy after about 1 hour of calling. Im goning to skip most of the details on the first 2 and save them for the last bird of the season from today.

Quick summary


10.5inch bread

7/8th spurs

shotgun kill - 10 yards


Bird #2 (1 week later)


10 1/4th beard

1inch spurs

42 yards


well my hunting season is over kill wise. Now I get to set back and call for a few friends. I bagged my 3rd and final of Va season limit this morning at 6:45. It ended with a beautiful show though. I decided to hunt a woods I hadn’t been in all season and it definitely paid off. This is my biggest of the season weight and spur wise (info later to come). Everything just worked perfectly this morning. I headed around the edge of a field not knowing where any birds would be. Once the sun came up, I still didn’t here any gobbles and was about ready to head back. I decided to setup my hen decoy and set for a few minutes just to see if anything happened. Still heard nothing. Then shortly I heard a distant gobble. He was a good ways off so I pulled out and headed around the field (110acre field now) to the other corner and he thundered again. He was a good 200 yards off on the ground. I entered the woods and went about 30 yards and setup the decoy. I backed off 15 yards and had the barrel pointed right at her rested on my leg. By now he was gobbling about every 40 seconds at crows and etc in the woods so I had a good idea where he was the whole time. I hit the "freak" call and Gobble Gobble. He was coming. Hit it one more time for fun and once again the ground shook! I put the call down since I could here him drumming coming through the woods. Finally, I saw the WHITE/BLUE head peeping around the thicket. He spotted Ms Lovely Hen. Out in full strut he went. He was 25 yards away and strutting my way. He came right up to the hen so I decided to let him have a little fun. But he never broke full strut, even at 2 yards from the decoy. After about 5-6 mins of the show it ended with one shot through the 11/87. I kind of wish I had my bow since it would have been a wide-open 12-yard shot. But that’s the way it goes. I got to see a little but of everything this season. Though in 4 days I had my 3-gobbler limit it was one of my best seasons ever. He had a fairly short 10inch even beard, but he weighed in at 22pounds and dagger 1 5/16ths inch spurs! These are my longest spurs to date on any turkey ive killed. My previous were 1 1/8ths, which I thought were long. My wife snapped a few pics before work this morning so here they are.

Thanks for reading and enjoy a few pics of my last 09 gobbler. I debated getting this one mounted since I have none stuffed. But he had a few ruffled feathers between his wings(back). After removing the beard and spurs I regret not doing so now. But he's going to get a nice wall tail span mount done atleast




once again, thanks for reading

Edited by crazyfarmer
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thanks! I finally got the pics in the post right

I couldnt have asked for a better season, so hopefully next year is good also. Last year I only took 1 so you just neve rknow what luck can bring you

I just hate putting the gun down, but atleast I get to do some callin and enjoy the shows untill May 16th

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