Trout Fishing story


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Well i been out trying to catch trout since our opener came along and no luck yet. Its a bummer because i have only caught one river trout and i got alot of people that want smoked trout. I have been using a white rooster tail spinner, but all i keep catching is large mouth bass. Which i'm not complaining about that because catching bass is better than catching nothing. Makes for a better day out fishing. I bought the white rooster tail and caught 2 bass and a perch the one day and 3 bass the next day. I also used a rainbow trout colored spinner caught a bass 3 times with it. What do yall use to catch river trout? Just Curious and good luck to all. Thank you.

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It sounds like you're not fishing the right type of water for trout. Largemouth and trout won't be holding in the same type of water, this time of year especially. Look for faster water with decent depth. A good rule of thumb is the current should be at least as fast as you can walk. They'll even be holding in fast rifles now too. Trout need a lot more oxygen than a bass does and the moving current creates it for them, the slower frog water where bass hold doesn't have enough.

Flies will work best. But if you don't want to get into fly fhishing the main thing would be to start drift fishing for them. Get a nice slim profile float, and set that above two BB sized split-shot. Then tie on a small deer hair jig and tip it with a maggot. That, or a small (size 10) circle hook tipped with a small red worm will out fish an in-line spinner like you're using now.

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