Update on police exam


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Well, I passed the physical test with flying colors. Did 37 situps in about 40 seconds and had to get that in 1 min. Got 215 in the bench press, 16.25" and I had to get 16" in the sit and reach and ran my 1.5 mile in 12:26 and I had to get it in 13:47. So I was feeling pretty good going into the written test. The memorization part of it could have gone better, but after that I felt really good about the rest of it. With the memorization I think I only missed 4, but after that I feel really good. I will know in about 1 week how I did. Hopefully I did well and I get on the list for the department. Thanks again everyone for the thoughts and prayers, they definitely helped!! I will let y'all know how the written test went as soon as I know!!:D;)

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Good job young man. Hope you get good news next week!

My last Air Force PT test in 2007, I did the 1.5 mile in 12:01 and 49 situps and pushups in a minute....and I was 41 years old :p:D

Haven't benched 215 in years though.....lol

again, congrats!!! :)

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That's awesome bud! Good luck on your results, I'm sure you did great! This will be a longggg week for you, I remember last year when I wrote for my Automotive Technician license, it was a 125 question multiple choice test where basically every question had 2-3 right options, but the best option had to be chosen, there said about 1-2 weeks for my results. I was on edge and constantly thinking what my score was going to be. Got my results in after a week and that was the hardest piece of mail to open in my life! I opened it up real quick and looked at my final score. It said: Score to pass - 70%, Your score - 83%. What a relief, all my hard work paid off. :cool::D

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