My sons went to prom also


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Cool! :cool: Hope they have a better prom than I did! :rolleyes::D Went with my (now former) best friend's older sister, suburban broke down on the way to the dance (over $3,000 in repairs from a faulty repairman :mad::mad::mad:), ex-girlfriend kept trying to make me jealous with her new boyfriend (I kinda enjoyed that part, except they're still dating a year later :D) and to top it off my date gets sick half way through prom and spent the rest of the dance in the bathroom. I took her home early and needless to say I was the very first person at the After Prom Party. :(:D But hey! I won an I-pod at least...and then somebody stole it a couple of months later. :mad::rolleyes::D Yep, I can guarantee that they had a better prom than me! :D:D:D

Dakota :)

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