RealTree's HotSeat Monday, The_Kat


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What is the hunt that you remember the most as a kid?

What is your dream hunt in the country?

Dream hunt in the world?

How long have you been married?

How many "serious" lady friends did you have before your wife?

What is the one thing you could go back and change that happened before you turned 20?

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How did you get into Target Archery?

Who would you most like to meet and/or hunt with in the professional hunting industry?

What kind of car/truck do you drive?

What is your favorite animal to hunt and why?

Who introduced you to hunting/the outdoors?

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Where did you grow up?

What sports did you play in high school?

If you could switch places with a professional athlete for a day... 1) Would you do it? 2) If you said yes, who? 3) why or why not?

Sorry to be so mean #1 and ask so many questions, but I'll forget about this tomorrow and not have time to post any more before it's too late!!:D

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What is the hunt that you remember the most as a kid?

What is your dream hunt in the country?

Dream hunt in the world?

How long have you been married?

How many "serious" lady friends did you have before your wife?

What is the one thing you could go back and change that happened before you turned 20?

My most memorable hunt would be the first hunt I had in Woodward, OK. My uncle rattled in a 170 class buck within 20 yards. I was so shakin up I couldn't pull the trigger. To this day that deer haunts my dreams.

Dream hunt would be the milk river in Montana.

Be married a year in May.

I dated a girl named brittany for 9 months and a girl named alex a year. I dated Jenn all during highschool and we got back together 3 years ago and got married this last year.

I wouldn't change a thing!

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who did you look up to while you were growing up and why?

Do you feel that the actions you have taking in life are the best ones for you?

Who would you like to meet off of RealTree and why?

I looked up to several people. Mainly my parents. They both raised me on a measly income and gave me a wonderful life.

I often think about my actions and wonder if maybe I should have done things differently.

Well I've met Michael, David, and I guess I'd like to meet Bill and Travis. The reason is simple, I've already met the rest.

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How did you get into Target Archery?

Who would you most like to meet and/or hunt with in the professional hunting industry?

What kind of car/truck do you drive?

What is your favorite animal to hunt and why?

Who introduced you to hunting/the outdoors?

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Where did you grow up?

What sports did you play in high school?

If you could switch places with a professional athlete for a day... 1) Would you do it? 2) If you said yes, who? 3) why or why not?

Sorry to be so mean #1 and ask so many questions, but I'll forget about this tomorrow and not have time to post any more before it's too late!!:D

I got into target archery on accident. Hutchies invited me over to archeryangel1's place one evening to shoot spots and I became hopelessly addicted ever since. Thanks alot Hutch....I'm due for an AA meeting anytime....haha Archers Anonymous.

Um....Tiffany Lakosky....I think thats self explanitory.

I have two trucks. My main one is a 2005 Chevy Ext Cab. Dark Green, v8....

My play toy is my 2003 GMC Sierra Dually. It pulls my travel trailer around and is the family toter since it's a quad cab.

Favorite animal is the Whitetail. I've never hunted any other big game, but whitetails are always a challenge. No one hunt is ever the same.

My father, uncle, and late grandpa Pettey introduced me into the outdoors at a very young age.

Well since it isn't season, my favorite outdoor activity is shooting 3-D or sitting around a camp fire with family and friends.

I grew up in Horntown, OK.

In HS I played basketball as a starting guard and played baseball as a starting pitcher and centerfielder. Went on to play baseball at Eastern Oklahoma State College as a centerfielder for 1 yr. Also ran track for Eastern as a 100 and 200m sprinter.

Yes I would switch places for a day. The one who was highest paid, and I'd donate some of their ridiculous salary to me so I could have some $$$ when I switch back :)

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Not counting your state what 5 other state would you like to hunt in and for what ?

Ok, Montana, Ohio ( Chris's back yard ), Texas, Iowa, and Illinois. Why? Because this seems to be where alot of the monster bucks I see on TV are harvested.

Whose my favorite HCO Prostaffer????

Ha, I'm not pickin one!

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how did you get in to Realtree?

who do you like the most on here and why?

who's the first guy or gal you met on here?

if you could change 1 thing today what would it be and why?

I was deer hunting in Woodward with my uncle when we came in from a hunt and I was bored. So I hopped on the computer and typed in to see what it would pop up and I found the forums.

I like all my okie brothers best if I had to choose. The reason being is that these guys are all people whom I've met on several occasions. I speak with each of them on a weekly basis. You other states need to take after us okies....we're a tight knit family!

First person I met on here was the one and only Tony.

I'd make it stop raining so I can mow my uncles yard.

Heres a pic of me the day I joined


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Ever been in trouble with the law?

Yes twice.....

One time in HS some buddies and me thought it would be cool to get tin foil and drano and pour it into bottles, put lids on them, then throw them into peoples yards. They make a big bang.....Anyways we did this at several houses all during the night. Well come Monday the sheriffs department showed up at school and arrested all four of us for manufacturing an explosive device. We got off the hook with probation...but they coulda nailed us big time. To this day I still can't believe the trouble we got in. We actually thought of the consequences of our actions and never dreamed we'd coulda been charge with felonies. Thank God we didn't.

My 2nd run in with the law was a Public Intoxication I got in college. Me and a buddy got caught drinking underaged in the dorms and was escorted to jail.

I'm quite thankful for going to jail then, cause it opened my eyes. Either party and drink and have a blast in college......or have a career in law enforcement. I haven't drank since.

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Would you be willing to take a job in the hunting industry for a 1/4 of what you make now?

If you had to travel alone for one month and it was NOT hunting related travel, where would it be?

Same question but with the wife?

If you had to live outside of the US and Canada where would it be and why?

How often to you secretly watch Jerry Springer?

I have seen the pics of the 9 month relationship brittany girl, or do I have the names mixed up?

What did you study in college?

If you could have gone to any college, which one would it have been?

who intriques(sp) you the most on the RT forums?

Most embarrassing moment as a kid?

as an adult?

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