Last night vs. this morning....


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Went back to the state land last night to where I'd heard that bird gobble around 7am. I get to the clear cut and stand there, the black flies were HORRIBLE! But I heard him gobble by his own, a little farther up the ridge maybe. I went back to the car, drove down the road a little bit then got out and walked in down at the bottom to try and get a better idea of where he was. I was also able to get an idea of where he is in comparison to the road running parallel on the ridge as a truck drove he's a way down in but I may have to get in early to beat the other guys:o Anyway got him to gobble to my owl call...have a general idea of where he is...will go back tomorrow night probably, this time go on the road up above him and try and pin point him from there since that might be where I'll walk in.

Stopped at the other ridge where a bird gobbled Saturday morning, heard nothing, though doesn't mean he isn't there...birds aren't really that vocal yet unless there's not alot around:confused:

Then THIS MORNING I was going to go up behind the house and listen but after 4 mornings in a row of getting up at 5am...I turned over and went back to sleep!:eek::eek::p:rolleyes:

So my plans involve roosting this bird again then Thursday morning may see where he goes or try the other ridge, then roost again Thursday night and Friday morning hit the woods!:cool:

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