Opening Day Success !!


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Well Turkey opened up for us today and I was lucky enough to get this nice big tom. They called for nice weather actually called for it to be in the 80's but when the sun came up we had overcast and light rain but very hot. We had one hen fly down from the roost but the toms were not responding to any calls at all. We had not even been hearing any hens to date either when scouting. about 20 min after the hen flew down she was about 150 yrds away we saw a nice tom come out of the hardwoods and into the field towards her and our decoys and we finally got him gobbling back to us.

All of a sudden we had Toms answering all around us about 5 Toms from all directions. The biggest bird was the one I took but he came from the field behind us and he would have to walk a field edge and come through an access road to get to us. I had him at 12 inches behind me numerous times trying to get through the rasberry bushes but he would not committ and come through. Finally after playing with him for about 50 minutes we got him to walk all the way around and come through the opening to our field and I shot him at about 30 yrds ! He weights 24lbs has just shy of a 9.5 inch beard and just over 1 inch spurs !!

We tried to get my partner on another bird right after but with no luck so we go out again Fri morning !!




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