Airforce One


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If this has already been posted, I overlooked it.... if not, I can't believe it isn't on here yet.

Did you guys see the video of Airforce One doing a "photo Op", as it buzzed very low over NYC excorted by fighter jets, as everyone ran for cover? Un God dang-believeable!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Had that been GW, they'd been calling for his head... Obama is really proving to be an idiot. :mad:

You mean to tell me that no one, and I mean NO ONE, said... "whoa, do you guys really think that is a good idea?"

I am really at a loss for words....:mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Nope, not been posted about yet Ken, at least not as far as I know.

Saw just a little coverage on this story on the news yesterday at supper time, but was not able to hear the full story over my kids.

From what I have read this morning, the fear it caused was no joke. Michael Bloomberg did not even know about the flyover and said it was "insensitive" to fly so close so near where the Sept 11th 2001 attacks took place.

"Why the defence department wanted to do a photo op right around the site of the World Trade Centre catastrophe defies the imagination," he said. "Poor judgment would be a nice ways to phrase it ... Had I known about it, I would have called them right away and asked them not to."

Some sources I have read stories from this morning suggest Obama himself was "furious" Did not see much elaboration on that though. Was also suggested on foxnews site that Bloomberg's office was infact notified in advance

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I've been following this story pretty closely as it really made me mad. From what I've read, the NYPD was notified but was told to keep quiet about it. I can't for the life of me fathom why A.) this would be done in the first place and 2.) the local government agencies were told to be quiet about it. If I live in NYC I'd be calling for someone's head over this. You really shouldn't hold a job at all if you think doing something like this was ok. Just another blunder you can tally to BO's administration.

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It's apparently not uncommon for Air Force One (actually it was probably called something else since the president wasn't aboard) to fly around and get photos taken with different landmarks in the background. And I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. But you're right about one thing. Even though this was just a typical government SNAFU that Obama really had little or nothing to do with, had this occurred during Bush's tenure there would have been a huge outcry from the press and it would have been the lead news story for a week or more.

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I like what Rudy Giuliani had to say about it. The Obama administration, and Democrats in Congress, have vilified the executives of the auto manufacturers for flying to D.C. in their private jets. But it is perfectly OK to take a 747 on a jaunt for a photo op? Poor judgment, and a waste of taxpayer money. How many photo's do they need of AF1 flying near the Statue of Liberty or other landmarks. They've been using the same 2 planes since the Clinton Admin.

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........ had this occurred during Bush's tenure there would have been a huge outcry from the press and it would have been the lead news story for a week or more.

And it's been swept under the rug and off the headlines for days now.

It's different when it's democrats.

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